
unusual facts about MPB-4



Aquele Abraço

The song has since achieved an iconic status in Brazilian popular culture and was performed by MPB artists Marisa Monte and Seu Jorge at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, as part of the preview of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Clarisse Albrecht

Growing up, Albrecht was listening to a lot of different musical genre : soul, R&B, Funk, Pop, Brazilian music (MPB, Bossa-Nova) and African music such as Makossa, Marabentta or Congolese Rumba.

Nei Lopes

In the 90's, Nei started partnerships with people identified with the MPB label, such as composer Guinga and Zé Renato.

Pilar Homem de Melo

In Rio de Janeiro meets the most relevant representatives of MPB – emphasizing the great friendship made with Caetano Veloso – who decisively influenced her music.

Raimundo Fagner

He has had a distinguished career as a performer, singer, songwriter and composer for over 3 decades, and is also known for his collaborations with other MPB artists such as Caetano Veloso, Roberta Miranda, Chico Buarque, and others.

Théo de Barros

He is known for his collaborations with Geraldo Vandré, for example on Disparada (tied with A banda by Chico Buarque for 1st place in the 2nd Festival de Música Popular Brasileira (MPB) 1966, produced and broadcast by TV Record), and for the song Menino das laranjas, recorded by Elis Regina that same year.

Zé Renato

He has released many albums and his songs have been recorded by Milton Nascimento, Jon Anderson, Leila Pinheiro, Lulu Santos, Nana Caymmi, MPB-4, and Boca Livre.

see also