
2 unusual facts about MSP

Minneapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center

Area 2 is a terminal arrival/departure area located to the north of Minneapolis and is concerned primarily with commercial aviation into and out of Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

Stewart Hosie

Hosie is married to Shona Robison, MSP for Dundee City East (Scottish Parliament constituency) and Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport, with whom he has a daughter.

20 March 2003 anti-war protest

The Edinburgh demo saw 500 people at midday march to the foot of The Mound, the rally was addressed by MSPs Tommy Sheridan and Lloyd Quinan.

Aberdeen Donside by-election, 2013

The Aberdeen Donside by-election, 2013 is a by-election that was held for the Scottish Parliament constituency of Aberdeen Donside on Thursday 20 June, following the death from cancer of the constituency's MSP, Brian Adam.

Adult Entertainment Working Group

The Adult Entertainment Working Group (AEWG) was a Scottish governmental advisory body set up within the Scottish Executive by Tom McCabe MSP to investigate the legislative issues involved in the proposed lapdancing ban in Scotland.

Algerian presidential election, 2004

Abdelaziz Bouteflika: candidate of a coalition including the Islamist Movement for the Society of Peace (MSP) and the National Rally for Democracy Assembly (RND), as well as a dissident faction of the National Liberation Front (FLN)

Amar Ghoul

In the political field, he was elected in 1997 as an MP to the Assemblée populaire nationale for the MSP.

Bob Bird

He is best known for the widespread media coverage over his role in two trials involving former Scottish MSP Tommy Sheridan: the 2006 Sheridan v News Group Newspapers defamation case and the 2010 HM Advocate v Sheridan and Sheridan perjury case.

Buckfast Tonic Wine

In 2005 Scottish Justice Minister, Cathy Jamieson MSP, suggested that retailers should stop selling the wine.

David Mundell

Mundell was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 1999 and 2003 as a "list" MSP for the South of Scotland, and contested the Scottish parliamentary constituency of Dumfries in 1999 and 2003.

Devo Plus

The group is led by former Lib Dem MSP Jeremy Purvis and chaired by Reform Scotland chairman Ben Thomson.

Draper Committee

The Presidents Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program ("Draper Committee") was a bipartisan committee, created in November 1958 by U.S. President Eisenhower to undertake a completely independent, objective, and non-partisan analysis of the military assistance aspects of the U.S. Mutual Security Program (MSP).

Edinburgh Labour Students

Past speakers include the former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown along with members of the Shadow Cabinet Ian Murray and Douglas Alexander, all former members of the Club and University alumni, as well as ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, leader of the Scottish Labour Party Johann Lamont, Kezia Dugdale MSP and Andrew Burns, leader of Edinburgh City Council.

Elections in Algeria

It was followed by its two governing partners, the National Rally for Democracy (RND), with 61, and the Islamist Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), with 52 seats.

Fire safe cigarette

West of Scotland MSP Stewart Maxwell has been a long-time advocate of ‘fire-safer cigarettes’ and has called for Scotland to take a lead in developing a European standard.

Gude Cause

Cathy Peattie MSP sang 'Bread and Roses', and Janet Fenton spoke about the aims, aspirations and activities of the Gude Cause movement.

HM Advocate v Muirhead and McKenzie

They were charged with sending parcel bombs to several people associated with Celtic F.C., including their manager Neil Lennon, former MSP Trish Godman, senior lawyer Paul McBride and Cairde na hEireann, an Irish republican group.

Jim Tolson

Prior to his election as an MSP, he was an employee of Sky Subscriber Services Ltd.

Livingston North railway station

MSP Angela Constance said "The situation of train services in and around Livingston is desperate. The worst example is that no trains have left Livingston North station in the past 10 days".

Michael Crockart

Crockart stood, as did city council housing leader Paul Edie, former Borders MSP Euan Robson and former Edinburgh Central Scottish Parliament candidate Siobhan Mathers.

Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs

The current Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs is Roseanna Cunningham MSP.

Mississippi Highway 32

The publicly accessible portion of MS 32 is divided into two sections, the first of which begins near Perthshire and runs eastward to the rear entrance of the Mississippi State Penitentiary (MSP).

Nick Henderson

Scottish Nationalist MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville is the strongest supporter of the petition in the Parliament.

Scotland's Environmental and Rural Services

SEARS marked its first anniversary by publication of its first annual review at the Royal Highland Show 2009 by Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham MSP.

Scottish Green Party

In the first election to this Parliament, in 1999, the Scottish Green Party got one Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) elected by proportional representation, Robin Harper, the UK's first Green Parliamentarian.

Scottish Liberal Democrats leadership election, 2008

Jeremy Purvis - MSP for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale, had also been considered to be a possible contender, but he declined to run after Scott and Finnie announced their candidacies.

Scottish National Liberation Army

In June 2009, Adam Busby Jr., the son of the SNLA founder, was jailed for 6 years for sending a total of 6 packages to various political figures, including First Minister Alex Salmond, Liberal Democrats MSP Mike Rumbles and Glasgow City Council.

Scottish Socialist Party

Frances Curran, then an MSP, led a broad campaign with many children's and anti-poverty organisations to provide free and nutritious meals for all Scottish schoolchildren to tackle the problems of poor diet and rising obesity amongst children.

Susan Deacon

In 2010, Deacon was appointed by Michael Russell, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning as the Scottish Government's ‘Early Years Champion’.


SyncShield supports both Service Providers and operators that offer mobile device management for businesses as a managed (MSP) or hosted service (ASP).

Teaching Support Staff Union

5. The University's 100% coverage of British Columbia's Medical Service Plan (MSP) for all members who sign up, regardless of residential or international status.

The Freedom Association

Other council members include Conservative MPs Christopher Chope, Philip Davies, Robert Halfon, Philip Hollobone, Gerald Howarth, John Whittingdale, and Andrew Rosindell, Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, UKIP MEP Roger Helmer, former Conservative MSP Brian Monteith, Lord David Stoddart, House of Lords cross-bencher Baroness Cox and former leader of UKIP Lord Pearson.

Yes Scotland

The campaign has the support of two parties represented in the Scottish Parliament - the governing Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens - as well as all three former SNP MSPs who now sit as independent Members: Margo MacDonald, Jean Urquhart and John Finnie, and also of former Independent MSP Bill Walker.

see also