
unusual facts about Macaulay's method

Macaulay's method

The first English language description of the method was by Macaulay.

Anatomy Act 1832

In 1832 a new Anatomy Bill was introduced, which, though strongly opposed by Hunt, Sadler and Vyvyan, was supported by Macaulay and O'Connell, and finally passed the House of Lords on 19 July 1832.

Annie Patterson

Annie Patterson was born in Lurgan, County Armagh, Ireland, and was related through her mother's family to Lord Macaulay.

Baillie–PSW primality test

# If n is a perfect square, then step 3 will never yield a D with (D/n) = −1; this is not a problem because perfect squares are easy to detect using Newton's method for square roots.

Bairstow's method

The algorithm first appeared in the appendix of the 1920 book "Applied Aerodynamics" by Leonard Bairstow.


If votes are transferred because a candidate has exceeded the quota required to win, all of that candidate's ballots are examined for transfer votes (Senatorial rules), unlike the method used for the Irish Dáil in which, after a candidate has reached the quota, only the last parcel of votes transferred to that candidate are examined for further preferences (the Hare method).

Carlo Alberto Castigliano

Carlo Alberto Castigliano (9 November 1847, Asti – 25 October 1884, Milan) was an Italian mathematician and physicist known for Castigliano's method for determining displacements in a linear-elastic system based on the partial derivatives of strain energy.

Catharine Macaulay

Educated by a governess, Catharine Macaulay later described herself to her friend Benjamin Rush as "a thoughtless girl till she was twenty, at which time she contracted a taste for books and knowledge by reading an odd volume of some history, which she picked up in a window of her father's house".

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Each year the experts from Macaulay Library hold the week-long Sound Recording Workshop in the Tahoe National Forest.

David Macaulay

Macaulay has illustrated a number of other books, including the popular The Way Things Work (1988, text by Neil Ardley) which was expanded and rereleased as The New Way Things Work (1998).

Dodgson's method

In short, we must find the voting profile with minimum Kendall tau distance from the input, such that it has a Condorcet winner; they are declared the victor.

Donald Macaulay, Baron Macaulay of Bragar

Donald Macaulay, Baron Macaulay of Bragar, QC (born 14 November 1933) is a British Labour politician and member of the House of Lords.

Elizabeth Eastlake

Despite a diary entry in 1846 saying there were many "compensations" for unmarried women, three years later when she was 40, Elizabeth married Sir Charles Eastlake and joined him in an active working and social life, entertaining artists like Landseer and mixing with a wide range of well-known people, from Macaulay to Lady Lovelace.

Find first set

The expression 16 − clz(x − 1)/2 is an effective initial guess for computing the square root of a 32-bit integer using Newton's method.

François Budan de Boislaurent

Budan's work on approximation was studied by Horner in preparing his celebrated article in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London in 1819 that gave rise to the term Horner's method; Horner comments there and elsewhere on Budan's results, at first being sceptical of the value of Budan's work, but later warming to it.

Fred MacAulay

He has presented BBC Radio Scotland's morning show since 1997, and for BBC TV he hosted one series of the talk show McCoist and MacAulay (with retired footballer Ally McCoist) and two seasons of Life According to Fred.

Generalized estimating equation

The parameter estimates solve U(β)=0 and are typically obtained via the Newton-Raphson algorithm.

Halley's method

Halley's method can be viewed as exactly finding the roots of a linear-over-linear Padé approximation to the function, in contrast to Newton's method/Secant method (approximates/interpolates the function linearly) or Cauchy's method/Muller's method (approximates/interpolates the function quadratically).

Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz

Waldeyer used the path-breaking discoveries by neuroanatomists (and later Nobel Prize winners) Camillo Golgi (1843–1926) and Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), who had used the silver nitrate method of staining nerve tissue (Golgi's method) to formulate a short brilliant synthesis, even though he did not contribute with any original observations.

Hermann Gummel

Among the most important of his contributions are the Gummel–Poon model which made accurate simulation of bipolar transisors possible and which was central to the development of the SPICE program; Gummel's method, used to solve the equations for the detailed behavior of individual bipolar transistors,; and the Gummel plot, used to characterize bipolar transistors.

Horner's method

Ulrich Libbrecht (at the time teaching in school, but subsequently a professor of comparative philosophy) gave a detailed description in his doctoral thesis of Qin's method, he concluded: It is obvious that this procedure is a Chinese invention....the method was not known in India.

As it also happened, Henry Atkinson, of Newcastle, devised a similar approximation scheme in 1809; he had consulted his fellow Geordie, Charles Hutton, another specialist and a senior colleague of Barlow at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, only to be advised that, while his work was publishable, it was unlikely to have much impact.

Implied volatility

When forced to solve for vega numerically, it usually turns out that Brent's method is more efficient as a root-finding technique.

While there are many techniques for finding roots, two of the most commonly used are Newton's method and Brent's method.

James De Alwis

Educated at the prestigious Colombo Academy as one of its first students, he was part of the Macaulay of Ceylon along with Frederick Nell and his brother Louis, C.A.Lorensz, John Prins, Charle Ferdinands and Dandris de Silva Gunaratna inspired by the Young England movement.

Johan Frederik Steffensen

Steffensen's inequality and Steffensen's method (an iterative numerical method) are named after him.

Karl Heun

Karl Heun (born 3 April 1859, Wiesbaden; died 10 January 1929, Karlsruhe) was a German mathematician who introduced Heun's equation, Heun functions, and Heun's method.

Kit Culkin

Culkin is the father of Shane (1976- ), Dakota (1979-2008), Macaulay (1980- ), Kieran (1982- ), Quinn (1984- ), Christian (1987- ) and Rory (1989- ) with Patricia Brentrup.


La Verna, a mountain in Tuscany, called Lavernia by Thomas Babington Macaulay

Leod Macgilleandrais

In this version of events, Black Murdoch's brother-in-law was Macaulay of Loch Broom, and the 19th century antiquarian F. W. L. Thomas noted that within this version, this Macaulay appears to be a different individual than the constable of Eilean Donan Castle.

Leonard Bairstow

Born in 1880 in Halifax, Bairstow is best remembered for his work in aviation and for Bairstow's method for arbitrarily finding the roots of polynomials.


Their first success was the publication of Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, which was followed in 1841 by the issue of the first two volumes of his History of England, which after a few years had a sale of 40,000 copies.

Louis Weisner

Louis Weisner (born 1899) was a Canadian mathematician at the University of New Brunswick who introduced Weisner's method.

Maharaja Nandakumar

They were accused by Burke (and later by Macaulay) of committing judicial murder; but Sir James Stephen, who examined the trial in detail, states that the indictment for forgery arose in the ordinary course, was not brought forward by Hastings, and that Impey conducted the trial with fairness and impartiality.

Michael Eytzinger

Eytzinger’s method was used by Jerónimo de Sosa, in his work Noticia de la gran casa de los marqueses de Villafranca in 1676, and was popularized by Stephan Kekulé von Stradonitz in his Ahnentafel-atlas in 1898.

Newton's method

In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.

Newton's method was first published in 1685 in A Treatise of Algebra both Historical and Practical by John Wallis.

Paul de Casteljau

Other methods, such as Horner's method and forward differencing, are faster for calculating single points but are less robust.


Powell's method, algorithm for finding the minimum of a non-differentiable function

Proportional hazards model

Using this score function and Hessian matrix, the partial likelihood can be maximized using the Newton-Raphson algorithm.


The laptop running Windows Vista SP1 was exploited on the third day of the contest with an exploit for Adobe Flash co-written by Shane Macaulay, Alexander Sotirov, and Derek Callaway.

Sarah Jane Brown

After leaving university, Macaulay worked at the brand consultancy Wolff Olins.

Seki Takakazu

Chinese algebra discovered numerical evaluation (Horner's method, re-established by William George Horner in the 19th century) of arbitrary degree algebraic equation with real coefficients.

They Were Defeated

The historican C V Wedgwood wrote the preface to a 1960 edition of the book, in which she reveals that the novel was written partly at the instigation of Macaulay's publisher, John Murray, who had asked for something to shed light on the background to her first novel, Abbots Verney (1906).

Thomas Babington

In 1787 he married Jean Macaulay, sister of Zachary Macaulay, a leader of the anti-slavery movement in the early 19th century.

William George Horner

His contribution to approximation theory is honoured in the designation Horner's method, in particular respect of a paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for 1819.

You Me Now

Season One was written by the 2008 graduates of the acting course Toi Whakaari Esther-Rose Green, Paul Gordon Harrop, Sara Allen and Asher Smith as contracted by All The Way Home Productions with Adam Macaulay (RNZ Drama Dept Exec Prod) as script supervisor.

Zachary Macaulay

His sister Jean had married Thomas Babington of Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, a country gentleman and ardent evangelical, and soon after Macaulay went to stay with them he began to come under their influence.

see also