
6 unusual facts about Monte Carlo method

Adjustable-rate mortgage

The actual pricing and rate analysis of adjustable rate mortgage in the finance industry is done through various computer simulation methodologies like Monte Carlo method or Sobol sequences.

George Casella

His contributions focused on the area of statistics including Monte Carlo methods, model selection, and genomic analysis.


At this level of performance, GnuGo was between six and seven stones weaker than the top commercial programs on good hardware as of early 2009, but comparable in strength to the strongest programs not using Monte Carlo methods.

Judy Lewent

Joining Merck in 1980, Lewent pioneered a new planning model in 1983 based on the Monte Carlo method, as more traditional financial valuation methods seemed not to take account of the long-term nature of pharmaceutical risks.

Nothing Painted Blue

References to mathematics are common in their songwriting and iconography (Bruno's undergraduate degree was in mathematics; he is currently a visiting professor in philosophy at Bard College); for example, their 1998 record was named after the Monte Carlo method.


:YafaRay uses global illumination to produce realistically lit renderings of 3D scenes, using Montecarlo-derived approximations.

Asaph Hall

This paper is a very early documented use of random sampling (which Nicholas Metropolis would name the Monte Carlo method during the Manhattan Project of World War II) in scientific inquiry.

Brown–Forsythe test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Multidimensional scaling

It is also very advisable to give the algorithm (e.g., Kruskal, Mather), which is often defined by the program used (sometimes replacing the algorithm report), if you have given a start configuration or had a random choice, the number of runs, the assessment of dimensionality, the Monte Carlo method results, the number of iterations, the assessment of stability, and the proportional variance of each axis (r-square).

see also

Monte Carlo methods for electron transport

The Monte Carlo method for electron transport is a semiclassical Monte Carlo(MC) approach of modeling semiconductor transport.