
unusual facts about Madras Province

Indian Councils Act 1909

It was fixed as 50 in Bengal, Bombay, Madras, United Provinces, and Eastern Bengal and Assam, and 30 in Punjab, Burma, and any lieutenant-governor province created thereafter.

see also

Ranjit Naik

He appeared before Kalelkar Commission, in 1953 along with his father, Shri Bhagat Champla Naik and maternal uncle Comrade Shri S.Ghane Naik, to plead before the said committee for the inclusion of Sugalis/ Lambadis in the list of Scheduled Tribes, in the Constitution of India, in the then Madras Province and succeeded in getting Lambadis / Sugalis included in the list of Scheduled Tribes of the Constitution of India, in 1954.