
2 unusual facts about Magister

Marsilius of Inghen

He was Magister at the University of Paris as well as at the University of Heidelberg from 1386 to 1396.

Master of Science

The Master of Science (M.Sc.) academic degree has been recently introduced in Germany, as the once common Diplom or Magister programmes typically lasting four to five years were replaced by separate three-year bachelor and two-year master programs.

Báthory family

Bonaventura Báthory (also called Andrew by his soldiers) (d. 1566), first-born son of Andrew IV, supreme count of Szatmár and Szabolcs, later tabernicorum regalium magister and royal judge.

Carmen de synodo ticinensi

The poem is attributed to Stefanus m., either a teacher (magister) or monk (monachus), writing at the behest of King Cunincpert, who called the council and who is praised in the poem for re-building Modena.

Continental education system

In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon model where you have a common lower and higher academic degree for all subjects (Bachelor degree and Master's degree, respectively), in the German model the degrees are Diplom for the more practical subjects such as i.e. engineering, but also economics and business and (in Germany and Austria) the Magister Artium for the more theoretical subjects, such as social sciences or humanities.

Eiji Usatsuka

The similarity of "both peoples" designs, were however noticed and later revealed by Tōya Okano (scenario assistant for Visual Art's' Clannad) in a Dengeki G's Magazine interview article presenting Visual Art's brand Mana’s game Angel Magister.


Flavius Gaudentius (died 432), the father of the Roman magister militum Flavius Aëtius


In 386, Theodosius I appointed Gildo Comes Africae and Magister utriusque militiae per Africam, as reward for his support to his father Theodosius the Elder in the suppression of Firmus' revolt.

Henriette Bie Lorentzen

She earned the degree Magister in history of literature at the Royal Frederick University in 1937, and along with Andreas Wyller and Kristian Schjelderup, she founded the Nansen Academy the following year, where she was a lecturer and also in charge of most practical matters until 1940.


Hermann Hesse adapted a biography of St. Hilarion as one of the three Lives of Joseph Knecht, making up his Nobel Prize winning novel The Glass Bead Game (also known as Magister Ludi).

Johann Jacob Zimmermann

His disciple Johannes Kelpius was elected to take Zimmermann's title of magister, leading "the Hamburg Group" (including Zimmermann's widow) to an area near Wissahickon Creek, Pennsylvania.

Johannes Stöffler

Having received his basic education at the Blaubeuren monastery school, he registered at the newly founded University of Ingolstadt on 21 April 1472, where he was consequently promoted Baccalaureus in September 1473 and Magister in January 1476.

Josefina Benedetti

She studied piano in Caracas and London, finished her studies at the National Conservatory of Music, Juan José Landaeta, and studied choral conducting at the University Institute of Musical Studies, Magister Scientiarum, in Latin American.

Manius Pomponius Matho

In 217 BC, he was apparently chosen magister equitum to the dictator, Lucius Veturius Philo, and was elected praetor for the following year, 216 BC.

Nicholas Udall

In Ford Madox Ford's trilogy of historical novels, The Fifth Queen, the character Magister Nicholas Udal is a decidedly heterosexual profligate, who serves as Latin tutor to Mary I of England and Henry VIII's "fifth queen," Katharine Howard.

Paul Traugott Meissner

He earned a degree as magister of pharmacy from the University of Pest, subsequently returning to Transylvania, where he took over management of a pharmacy in Kronstadt.

Pre-nominal letters

For example, pre-nominal academic degrees in German-speaking countries include: Dipl.-Ing. (Master's degree in Engineering), Dipl.-Kfm. (Master's degree in management), Dipl.-Phys. (Master's degree in physics), Dr.-Ing. (German doctorate in engineering), Ing., Dr.med. (German doctorate in Medicine) and Mag. (Austrian Master's degree (Magister) in all disciplines except engineering).

Riese: Kingdom Falling

Magister Herrick (Ben Cotton) - senior magister of the Sect, he leads the hunt for Riese.

Rudolf Capell

He was the son of Hamburg pastor Jodocus Capell, and attended the University of Wittenberg, the University of Giessen earned the degree of Magister in 1656 and became Professor of Rhetoric at the Akademisches Gymnasium of Hamburg in 1660.

Sixt Birck

He continued his theological studies at Erfurt, Tübingen and Basel before returning to Augsburg as director (Magister) of the Gymnasium.

see also