
unusual facts about Rhetoric

Communication skill

Rhetoric, the facility of speakers or writers to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences

A Young Man Being Introduced to the Seven Liberal Arts

Presided over by Prudentia, the circle also includes Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music, each recognizable by means of various attributes.

Aelius Theon

The work (extant, though incomplete), which probably formed an appendix to a manual of rhetoric, shows learning and taste, and contains valuable notices on the style and speeches of the masters of Attic oratory.

Agustín Rossi

He also courted controversy with his rhetoric, notably in August 2010 when he described lawmakers who presented a bill that sought reverse a government decision to revoke an expired license for the Fibertel internet service provider, as "lawyers" for the Clarín Group (Fibertel's parent company); there have been ongoing controversies between Clarín and Kirchnerism since 2008 over a number of issues.

Angel Day

Angel Day was an Elizabethan rhetorician and scholar chiefly known for his The English Secretary (1586), the first comprehensive epistolary manual to employ original English rather than classical models.


# His Τέχνη ῥητορική ("Art of Rhetoric") is a greatly interpolated handbook of rhetoric, a considerable portion being taken from the Rhetoric of Longinus and other material from Hermogenes;

Attic orators

In fact, it is not until the middle of that century that the Sicilian orator, Corax, along with his pupil, Tisias, began a formal study of rhetoric.

Australian Public Service

Other commentators, including political scientist Richard Mulgan, have argued that rhetoric in 2013 about a bloated APS is ill-informed and unsustainable, if service benchmarks are to be met.

Blackburn River

The name is a tautology, since "burn" is a Lowland Scots/Northern English word referring to a small river or large brook.


In Classical rhetoric since Corax of Syracuse, especially in Institutio Oratoria of Quintilian, the digression was a regular part of any oration or composition.

Donation of Constantine

Wolfram Setz, a recent editor of Valla's work, has affirmed that at the time of Valla's refutation, Constantine's alleged "donation" was no longer a matter of contemporary relevance in political theory and that it simply provided an opportunity for an exercise in legal rhetoric.

Edward Coote Pinkney

After serving without a salary as the Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at the University of Maryland, Pinkney traveled to Mexico with the intention of joining the navy there.


After the Fall of Antwerp in 1585 caused the decline of its chamber of rhetoric Violieren, the Eglantier became the most prestigious chamber of rhetoric in the Low Countries.

Eneas Sweetland Dallas

He was educated at the Edinburgh University, where he studied philosophy under Sir William Hamilton, and acquired the habit of applying notions derived from eclectic psychology to the analysis of aesthetic effects in poetry, rhetoric, and the fine arts.

Eugène Dupréel

Leader of the "École de Bruxelles", he had a major influence on the argumentation theorist Chaïm Perelman and thus has been instrumental in the renewal of rhetoric.

Francis Atterbury

Atterbury's treatise, though highly praised by Bishop Gilbert Burnet, was more distinguished for the vigour of his rhetoric than the soundness of his arguments, and the Papists accused him of treason, and of having, by implication, called King James "Judas".

German Peasants' War

Historian Roland Bainton saw the revolt as a struggle that began as an upheaval immersed in the rhetoric of Luther's Protestant Reformation against the Catholic Church but which really was impelled far beyond the narrow religious confines by the underlying economic tensions of the time.

Identification in Burkean rhetoric

Identification is a key term for the discussion of rhetoric in Kenneth Burke′s A Rhetoric of Motives.

Illinois State University College of Arts and Sciences

They publish research in Children's Literature, Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, English Education and Pedagogy, Linguistics/TESOL, Literary and Cultural Studies, Publishing, and Technical Writing.

Iosif Vulcan

She observes that his writing lacks external stylization, "saccharine images, complaisant rhetoric or gratuitous elegies", instead drawing its essence from authentic, realist folk roots.

James Warren Doyle

In July 1813, Doyle was appointed to a professorship at Carlow College, holding the Chair of Rhetoric and from 1814, the Professorship of Theology.

Jeffrey K. Olick

He not only traces representations of the Holocaust in state rhetoric, but also builds on Mikhail Bakhtin to develop a dialogical approach to memory by examining the ways in which later moments in the discourse respond to earlier moments.

John Lucaites

John Louis Lucaites is a professor of Rhetoric and Public Culture at Indiana University.

Keith Gilyard

Raymond Keith Gilyard (born 1952 in New York City) is a prominent writer and American professor of English who teaches and researches in the fields of rhetoric, composition, literacy studies, sociolinguistics, and African American literature.

King's Academy

Communication, Rhetoric and the Literary Arts (Incorporating both English and Arabic)

Lawrence Beyerlinck

While a theological student he taught poetry and rhetoric at the college of Vaulx and as pastor of Herent was professor of philosophy at a nearby seminary of canons regular.

Loch Watten

The name is a tautology, consisting of the word "loch" (of Gaelic origin) and vatn, a Norse word meaning the very same, found in such names as "Þingvallavatn" and Myvatn in Iceland, and "Røssvatnet" and "Møsvatn" in Norway.


There, too, Lysias is said to have commenced his studies in rhetoric—doubtless under a master of the Sicilian school possibly, as tradition said, under Tisias, the pupil of Corax, whose name is associated with the first attempt to formulate rhetoric as an art.

MacGregor Knox

He rejects Marxist views that Fascism and National Socialism were agents of, or represented the interests of, capitalism or big business, and he is highly critical of both the Italian Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Germany, whose revolutionary rhetoric, he argues, provoked middle-class support for Fascism and National Socialism.

Metropolitan Area Youth Symphony

In its inaugural season, the MAYS has played concerts at Knowles Memorial Chapel on the campus of Rollins College, First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, and collaborated with the Geneva School Rhetoric Choir, the Cathedral Choir, the Orlando Deanery Boychoir and Girls Choir, and Lake Howell High School’s band and chorus as part of their Masterworks Series.

Michael Gottlieb Agnethler

Also in that year, he was given a position at the Akademie der Naturforscher, and soon afterwards became lecturer in Rhetoric, Antiquities, and Poetry at the University of Helmstedt.

Michael Leff

The humanistic approach to rhetoric was often distinguished as “Ciceronian Humanism” because Cicero played a dominant role throughout its history and development.

Musica poetica

Gallus Dressler (1563) suggested to liken the structure of a musical composition with that of a speech, as outlined in Classical sources, dividing it into such sections as exordium, medium and finis (literally, "beginning", "middle" and "end").

Pascal Dubreuil

He also teaches harpsichord, basso continuo and musical rhetoric (Bachelor/Master) at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de Musique et de Danse in Poitiers.

Past exonerative

The "past exonerative" tense is a witticism coined by William Schneider of the New York Times to describe the rhetorical tactic of speaking in the passive voice in order to distance oneself from blame.

Paul Kennedy

In explaining why neutral Britain went to war with Germany, Kennedy (1980) recognized it was critical for war that Germany become economically more powerful than Britain, but he downplays the disputes over economic trade imperialism, the Baghdad Railway, confrontations in Eastern Europe, high-charged political rhetoric and domestic pressure-groups.

Poem of Almería

Stylistically, the Poem is indebted to the parallelism of the poetry of the Hebrew Bible and to the classical models of Virgil and Ovid.

Rhetoric Society of America

The RSA was established in 1968, by directors that included Edward P. J. Corbett, Wayne C. Booth and Richard Hughes, introducing innovative programs and courses in rhetoric.

Richard A. Lanham

The so-called weak defense (which Quintilian makes as well as Ramus) suggests that rhetoric is separate from philosophy and one first becomes a good person and then can add good speaking on top (158).

Richard Alexander Arnold

Richard Alexander Arnold is the Eminent Professor and Chair of English at Alfaisal University and an author and editor specializing in rhetoric, English literature, Canadian literature, and Medieval literature (focusing on Chaucer, John Milton, William Blake, Samuel Johnson, and Alexander Pope).

Richard Vatz

His seminal article, “The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation,” written in the journal Philosophy and Rhetoric when he was 26 years of age, critiqued Lloyd Bitzer's 1968 article "The Rhetorical Situation" in the same journal and has served as the basis for his world view on persuasion; namely, that rhetorical study is conceived most advantageously for the field through a model of competition for salience/agenda and meaning/spin.

Rudolf Capell

He was the son of Hamburg pastor Jodocus Capell, and attended the University of Wittenberg, the University of Giessen earned the degree of Magister in 1656 and became Professor of Rhetoric at the Akademisches Gymnasium of Hamburg in 1660.

Rudolf Slánský

Party rhetoric asserted that Slánský was spying as part of an international Western capitalist conspiracy to undermine socialism, and that punishing him would avenge the Nazi murders of Czech Communists Jan Šverma and Julius Fučík during World War II.

Sean Theriault

Theriault has published articles on presidential rhetoric, congressional careers, issue framing, the Compromise of 1850, and public approval of Congress.

The Family That Plays Together

It alludes to the slogan "The family that prays together stays together," created by ad-writer Al Scalpone for the Family Rosary Crusade and popular in American and British rhetoric beginning in the 1940s.

Ulf-Dietrich Reips

He majored in both Psychology and General Rhetoric (as a student of Walter Jens) and had a minor in Political Science.

Victor Vitanza

The month-long archived discussions hosted a range of figures from rhetoric and composition and elsewhere including Noam Chomsky, Jane Gallop, Sharon Crowley, and Geoffrey Sirc.

Vuk Drašković

Despite a polished marketing campaign that saw Drašković change his personal appearance and tone down his fiery rhetoric, he ended up with only 4.5% of the total vote, well behind Vojislav Koštunica (31.2%) and Miroljub Labus (27.7%), both of whom moved on to the second-round runoff.

Whore dialogues

The first example was the Ragionamenti by Pietro Aretino, followed by such works as La Retorica delle Puttane (The Whore's Rhetoric) (1642) by Ferrante Pallavicino; L'Ecole des Filles (The School for Girls) (1655), attributed to Michel Millot and Jean L'Ange and also known as The School of Venus; The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea (c. 1660) by Nicolas Chorier--known also as A Dialogue between a Married Woman and a Maid in various editions.


It is moot whether Widsith literally intends himself, or poetically means his lineage, either as a Myrging or as a poet, as when "the fictive speaker Deor uses the rhetoric of first-person address to insert himself into the same legendary world that he evokes in the earlier parts of the poem through his allusions to Weland the smith, Theodoric the Goth, Eormanric the Goth, and other legendary figures of the Germanic past" (Niles 2003, p 10).

see also