
4 unusual facts about Mahmoud Ahmed

Alemayehu Eshete

In 2008 Eshete toured the United States with fellow Ethiopian singer Mahmoud Ahmed, backed by Boston's 10-piece Either/Orchestra.


This tour and recording have led to an ongoing collaboration with Astatke, the primary founder of Ethiopian jazz, concerts with Ethiopian expatriates singer Hana Shenkute, krar player Minale Dagnew, masinko player Setegn Atanaw, and the great Ethiopian singer Mahmoud Ahmed with whom E/O released a DVD in 2007.

Semra Kebede

The film is written by Ethiopian writer/song writer Negussie Semework who has written for well known Ethiopian singers such as Mahmoud Ahmed among others.

Umar Bakkalcha

Huge personalities like Tilahun Gessesse , Bizunesh Bekele and Mahmoud Ahmed came for the musical show and got appreciations of their side.

see also


Mahmoud Ahmed and fellow legendary Ethiopian singer Alemayehu Eshete played Lincoln Center Out of Doors in 2008 backed by E/O.