
5 unusual facts about Maidenhead Locator System

Contesting controversies

Two or more rover stations arrive at an area near the intersection of four Maidenhead grid locators, and "circle" through the possible combinations of grid locators, making contacts in each combination.

Maidenhead Locator System

In 1985, the Radio Society of Great Britain published a small set of BASIC language routines to convert from locator references to geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) for further processing.

Perl supports conversion between geographical coordinates and Maidenhead locators in module Ham::Locator by Andy Smith, available on CPAN.

This position information is presented in a limited level of precision to limit the amount of characters needed for its transmission using voice, Morse code, or any other operating mode.

Maidenhead locators are used as part of the formulas for scoring in many VHF amateur radio contests.

see also