In 1923 the Innu Malti was played for the first time in public, and the same year Francesco Buhagiar became Prime Minister, followed in 1924 by Sir Ugo Pasquale Mifsud and in 1927 by Sir Gerald Strickland.
During the Second World War, Ugo Pasquale Mifsud and George Borg Olivier were the only remaining Nationalist members of parliament of Malta.
Malta | Cape Colony | MacDowell Colony | colony | Gold Coast (British colony) | Colony | Plymouth Colony | Massachusetts Bay Colony | Sovereign Military Order of Malta | Red River Colony | Swan River Colony | Malta International Airport | University of Malta | Transvaal Colony | Orange River Colony | Colony of Virginia | Pietà , Malta | Roanoke Colony | Marsa, Malta | Rabat, Malta | Old Colony Railroad | Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America | Pilgrim (Plymouth Colony) | Paola, Malta | Hindu colony | Crown Colony | Crown colony | Connecticut Colony | bird colony | art colony |