Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population (1798 1st edition, plus excerpts 1803 2nd edition), Introduction by Philip Appleman, and assorted commentary on Malthus edited by Appleman.
In the 20th century, those who regarded Malthus as a failed prophet of doom included an editor of Nature, John Maddox.
In modern times, he is best remembered for his essay Zhi Ping Pian (治平篇, On Governance and Well-beings of the Empire) on population growth and its sociopolitical consequence, in which he raised many of the same issues that were raised by Malthus writing during the same period in England.
As Thomas Malthus described in his essay on the Principle of Population, human overpopulation is a serious issue, and one which can only become more pressing.
He is noted for his tract Disquisitions on Population (London, 1808) opposing the views of Malthus as expressed in An Essay on the Principle of Population.