
3 unusual facts about Manjung

Mansur Shah of Malacca

Many territories in Peninsular Malaysia and eastern Sumatra and the surrounding islands were under the control of Malacca during his rule such as Selangor, Bernam, Kampar, Siak, Manjung, Rupat, Singapore, and Bintan.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ahmad Boestamam

It takes students from Form 1 to Form 6 from Manjung District.The school is run by 112 teachers and 15 staff.

Straits Settlements

The Straits Settlements consisted of the four individual settlements of Malacca, Dinding, Penang (also known as Prince of Wales Island), Singapore (with Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands).


Manjung | Kim Manjung |

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