As soon as the federal Cortes had defeated Castelar, Pavia made his coup d'état of the January 3, 1874, and after the pronunciamiento was absolute master of the situation, but having no personal ambition, he sent for General Serrano to form a government with Sagasta, Martos, Ulloa and other Conservatives and Radicals of the revolution.
On three occasions during the eventful year 1873, as captain-general of Madrid, he offered his services to put an end to the anarchy that was raging in the provinces and to the disorganization prevalent in the Cortes.
Pavia | Robert Rodriguez | University of Pavia | Alex Rodriguez | Manuel Noriega | Joan Manuel Serrat | Iván Rodríguez | Manuel I of Portugal | José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero | Manuel de Falla | Juan Manuel Santos | Paul Rodriguez | Manuel L. Quezon | Manuel Belgrano | Manuel Alejandro | Omar Rodríguez-López | Manuel Castells | Battle of Pavia | Silvio Rodríguez | Manuel Zelaya | Manuel Álvarez Bravo | Juan Manuel de Rosas | Víctor Manuel | Richard Manuel | Pedro Rodríguez | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez | Manuel Requena | Manuel Mujica Láinez | Manuel II of Portugal | John Rodriguez |