
7 unusual facts about Maoism

China Cry

But the Maoist regime brings hardship and misery to her family.

Communist Party of Sweden

Communist League Marxist-Leninists (Sweden), KFML, a Maoist party called the Communist Party of Sweden between 1973 and 1987,

Fiendens musik

The band's name intended to criticize the publication Folket har aldrig segrat till fiendens musik ("The people has never been victorious to the music of the enemy") which was issued by the Maoist Oktoberförlaget the same year that the band was formed.

Floyd Britton

With politics heavily influenced both by Castro's revolution and Maoism, he broke with the People's Party forming one of two leftist sects.

György Dalos

In 1968, Dalos was accused of "Maoist activities" and was handed seven months prison on probation and a Berufsverbot (professional disqualification) and a publication ban; due to that, he worked as a translator.

International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations

International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (International Newsletter): A grouping of parties and organizations adhering to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought.

Mr. Freedom

The Freedom mission is complicated by the machinations of communist foes — the Stalinist Moujik Man and the ferocious Maoist Red China Man (portrayed as a giant inflatable dragon).


Maoism |

Can Dialectics Break Bricks?

The film also contains many praising references to revolutionaries who thought and fought for the realisation of a post-capitalist world, including Marx, Bakunin, and Wilhelm Reich, as well as scathing criticism towards the French Communist Party, trade unionism and Maoism.

On the People's Democratic Dictatorship

It is noteworthy for its tone, that it preceded the freeze in Russian-Chinese relations following the Sino-Soviet split and adoption of Maoism in China, and that it codifies and embraces People's democratic dictatorship.

see also