
unusual facts about Margaret Feinberg

The Barna Group

Recent popular titles include De-evolution (2006), which discusses how Christians have exited traditional churches to embrace non-traditional/Jewish faith communities and unChristian (2007), which studies how outsiders perceive the church at large and includes contributions from authors like Rick Warren, Brian McLaren, Mike Foster, Sarah Cunningham, Margaret Feinberg, and Rick McKinley.

BlueFish TV

Bluefish TV works with well-known Christian speakers and authors like Erwin McManus, Don Miller, Margaret Feinberg, Doug Fields, Jars of Clay, Mercy Me, Les Parrott, Louie Giglio, Third Day, and Chris Tomlin to produce small group studies and video illustrations that help people teach in their church.

Fermi Project

They also collaborated to publish a recent best selling book, unChristian by Lyons and David Kinnaman of the Barna Group, which featured contributions from Christian thinkers like Jim Wallis, Margaret Feinberg, Mike Foster and Sarah Cunningham.

see also