
2 unusual facts about Mark Mitchell

Mark Mitchell

Mark Mitchell (veterinarian), Louisiana veterinary researcher known for his work on salmonella prevention in turtles, see Turtle farming

Mark E. Mitchell, United States Army officer and Distinguished Service Cross recipient

The Comedy Company

Many of the stars of The Comedy Company came from a 1985 Seven Network show called The Eleventh Hour, which starred Mary-Anne Fahey, Ian McFadyen, Mark Mitchell, Glenn Robbins, Peter Moon and Steve Vizard.

see also

Chalk Mark in a Rain Storm

About Chalk Mark, Mitchell told interviewer Kristine McKenna: "I've discovered that with your focus no longer on finding a mate, you get a heightened sense of community, and I've become a bit more political - not too political though".

Fraser Institute

Current members of the board include Peter Brown (chairman), Mark Mitchell (vice-chairman), and Edward Belzberg (vice-chairman).