The fact that most firms use marketing-mix models only to measure the short-term ROI can be inferred from an article by Booz Allen Hamilton, which suggests that there is a significant shift away from traditional media to 'below-the-line' spending, driven by the fact that promotional spending is easier to measure.
Marketing | marketing | Tom Mix | Unified Modeling Language | Promotion (marketing) | DJ mix | viral marketing | 3D modeling | The Mix | Direct marketing | Search engine marketing | Mix Master Mike | Mix 101.1 | Fish marketing | American Marketing Association | Agile Modeling | Agile modeling | social media marketing | Sir Mix-a-Lot | local marketing agreement | Fused deposition modeling | Essential Mix | 1980–1985 The New Mix in One Go | The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency | Space Mix '98 | Sir Mix-a-lot | search engine marketing (SEM) | search engine marketing | Rough Mix | Referral marketing |