
6 unusual facts about Marmon Motor Car Company

Marguerite De La Motte

In the 1930s when Roberts moved to Los Angeles he was Marguerite's houseguest and drove her Marmon convertible car.

Marmon Motor Car Company

Actor Francis X. Bushman, at the height of his movie fame in the 1910s owned a custom built purple painted Marmon.

J. Horace McFarland, president of the American Civic Association, owned a Marmon.

It is still today the representational car of the Aalto University student union after considerable repairs.

Statesman and national hero of Finland Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim's representational car was a Marmon E-75.

Rolls-Royce – Bentley L Series V8 engine

United States firm Marmon developed the first engine of V8 configuration in 1904, though it was experimental and did not find its way into a passenger vehicle.

Herron School of Art and Design

Caroline Marmon Fesler: The daughter of local industrialist and automobile manufacturer Daniel Marmon (Ray Harroun drove a Marmon car to victory in the first Indianapolis 500 race in 1911), she studied painting in Europe.

see also


Marmon-Herrington, the successor company to the Marmon Motor Car Company.