In 2008 the company produced the film "Inside of Me", a short film financed by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, and in 2009, they produced "In the Belly of the Whale", a short film directed by Giuseppe Petitto, original screenplay by Martha Capello and Marisa Gentile, financed by the Lazio Region, recognised as the National Cultural MiBac and won the "Premio Corzo Lazio" for best screenplay, in competition at the Giffoni Film Festival, Genoa, Bari.
Martha's Vineyard | Martha Stewart | production company | Martha Argerich | production | Martha Graham | Martha Wainwright | Martha | Martha Washington | Production | Mass production | Martha Rosler | Toyota Production System | Martha Plimpton | Martha Jones | Martha Hyer | Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance | Martha Coolidge | production music | Production company | Minister of Aircraft Production | mass production | Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia | Martha High | Martha Higareda | Grand Production | War Production Board | video production | Twin (production team) | Sparkling wine production |