
3 unusual facts about Martin Cheek

Mount Manengouba

The area is featured in the documentary The Mists of Mwanenguba with botanist Martin Cheek.

Nepenthes murudensis

Nepenthes murudensis was formally described in 1997 by Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek in their monograph, "A skeletal revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae)", published in the botanical journal Blumea.

Nepenthes pilosa

Despite this, Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek did not distinguish the East Malaysian plants from N. pilosa in their monograph published the same year.

Nepenthes dubia

In 1997, Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek published their monograph "A skeletal revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae)", in which they referred to N. dubia specimens from Mount Talang (Kurata s.n. SING) and the mountains of the Tjampo region near Payakumbuh (Meijer 6949 L).

see also