
2 unusual facts about Mary Beth Hurt

Christopher Hawthorne

Hawthorne is best known for writing the screenplay for director Bob Balaban's surrealist horror-comedy Parents, starring Randy Quaid, Mary Beth Hurt, Bryan Madorsky and Sandy Dennis.

Mary Beth Hurt

Hurt also played Jean Seberg, in voice-over, in Mark Rappaport's 1995 documentary From the Journals of Jean Seberg.

Bryan Madorsky

Madorsky's first and best known role is that of Michael Laemle in Bob Balaban's Parents, starring Randy Quaid, Mary Beth Hurt and Sandy Dennis.

Top Girls

During the 2007-2008 New York theatre season, Manhattan Theatre Club presented the play at the Biltmore Theatre in a production starring Mary Catherine Garrison, Mary Beth Hurt, Jennifer Ikeda, Elizabeth Marvel, Martha Plimpton, Ana Reeder, and Marisa Tomei.

see also