
4 unusual facts about Mary Jane Jacob

Ana Mendieta

Mary Jane Jacob suggests in her book Ana Mendieta: The "Silueta" Series (1973-1980) that much of Mendieta's work was influenced by her interest in the religion SanterĂ­a, as well as a connection to Cuba.

Christian Boltanski

Lynn Gumpert and Mary Jane Jacob, "Christian Boltanski: Lessons of Darkness," Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, 1988.

Ernesto Pujol

He has also worked extensively with curator Mary Jane Jacob in Charleston and with curator Saralyn Reece Hardy in Kansas.

Mary Jane Jacob

Jacob has mounted exhibitions, and created public art opportunities that have featured the work of some of the most influential artists in contemporary art including Mark Dion, Suzanne Lacy, Ernesto Pujol, J. Morgan Puett, Pablo Helguera, Marina Abramovic, Rick Lowe, and Alfredo Jaar.

see also