
4 unusual facts about Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities

Martha Nell Smith

Martha Nell Smith is professor of English and founding director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities

Made possible by a challenge grant in late 1998 by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), MITH began operations during the fall semester of 1999, under Martha Nell Smith, Professor of English at the University of Maryland.

MITH is the host of the Deena Larsen Collection, a personal collection of early-era personal computers and software.

Recent talks include Siva Vaidhyanathan Ph.D. on The Googlization of Surveillance (May 3, 2011) and Seth Denbo Ph.D., and Director Neil Fraistat Ph.D., on Diggable Data, Scalable Reading, and New Humanities Scholarship (April 26, 2011).

see also