
2 unusual facts about Mas alla de los Gritos

Mas alla de los Gritos

These bands that emerged during the early 90’s were politically resistant to border brutality, Chican@/Latin@ identity in the barrio, transborder struggles, Pete Wilson and the passing of Prop 187, NAFTA, the uprising of the Zapatista army in Mexico, Xenophobia, the Berkeley Pro-Affirmative Action Rally, police brutality, discrimination and racism amongst other social issues.

Some of the most popular bands of the times were: The Plugz, The Bags, The Brat, The Zeros, Felix and the Catz, Stains, Los Angelinos.These bands were some of the first bands to create local punk in East L.A. which followed a new style of punk more like the political punk that was coming out of Latin American countries.

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