Xenophobia, the fear of people who are different from one's self.
Seminars, it's a one-week open to maximum 40 participants to exchange ideas and opinions on a particular theme (e.g. environment, active participation in society, Human Rights Education, Racism and Xenophobia, Equality, Culture of Peace, Inclusion, etc.
Xenophobia | xenophobia |
The director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, Alexander Brod, stated that surveys show xenophobia and other racist expressions are prevalent in 50 percent of Russians.
William Lyon Mackenzie King, Frederick Blair, Thomas Crerar, Vincent Massey, Ernest Lapointe, Thomas Dufferin Pattullo, Wilfrid Lacroix, Hervé-Edgar Brunelle, Charlotte Whitton, Maurice Duplessis, Norman Robertson were all actively involved in the Antisemitic Xenophobia that resulted in the turning away of the MS St. Louis.
The novel which is written for children is also a political commentary on xenophobia especially represented by Danish politician Pia Kjærsgaard.
In a tribune Liberty for history, 19 historians (including Elisabeth Badinter, Alain Decaux and Marc Ferro) demanded the repeal of all "historic laws": not only the February 23, 2005 Act, but also the 1990 Gayssot Act against "racism, xenophobia and historical revisionism", the Taubira Act on the recognition of slavery as a "crime against humanity" and the law recognizing the Armenian genocide.
Yaroslav Trofimov of The Wall Street Journal asserted that the arrest of Grapel and other Westerners in the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian revolution was part of a "military-inspired xenophobia campaign" to distance Egypt's new military rulers from the West, "portraying pro-democracy activists as spies and saboteurs, blaming the country's economic crisis and sectarian strife on foreign infiltrators, and blasting the U.S. for funding agents of change."
Antonio Robles, "C's" member of the Catalan Parliament, promptly objected, stating that he could not justify an alliance with a party that was diametrically opposed to "C's" position on xenophobia and social liberal issues such as freedom of sexual orientation, abortion, contraception, assisted suicide and stem cell research.
These bands that emerged during the early 90’s were politically resistant to border brutality, Chican@/Latin@ identity in the barrio, transborder struggles, Pete Wilson and the passing of Prop 187, NAFTA, the uprising of the Zapatista army in Mexico, Xenophobia, the Berkeley Pro-Affirmative Action Rally, police brutality, discrimination and racism amongst other social issues.
Expression of these views is often considered racist and sometimes even a criminal offense under anti-discrimination statutes, and there are frequent calls for stiffer sentences for xenophobia in many European countries and by the European Union.
It spans a day in the life of an unusual corporate office building, where stockbrokers must construct a method to dispose of the corpse of a lifeless prostitute, a bored worker becomes involved in hip hop music videos, love songs are graphic, and a xenophobic spy stalks them through the corridors.
The xenophobia expressed by some persons in the village of Skrolsvik on Senjafelt when the asylum center was established was turned to a concern for the welfare or the residents of Senjehesten reception center.
He was one of the strongest and most forthright voices in the Polish Catholic Church for tolerance and mutual understanding, and was intensely devoted to combating antisemitism and xenophobia.