The script was written by Teppei Suzuki, Takeshi Kawamura, and Michita Nagato, based on the original and additional story provided by Masato Kato and Atushi Comine, respectively.
Masato Yoshino | Kato Olympos | Kato Hideki | Sonoko Kato | Masato Tanaka | Kazuya Kato | Kato | Masato Tanabe | Masato Onodera | Joji Kato | Shigeaki Kato | Ryozo Kato | Masato Wada | Masato Sakai | Kato's conjecture | Kato Nevrokopi | Kato Kaelin | Kató Havas | Yasunori Katō | Takeshi Kato | Miliyah Kato | Masato Saito | Masato Nakamura | Masato "Max" Matsuura | Masato Kitano | Masato Kato | Masato Harada | Masaru Kato | Koichi Kato | Kenzo Kato |
Unlike their other previous major collaborations like Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and Chrono Cross, Kirite was never developed and published as a video game, but published as musical album bundled with Masato Kato's story text in Japanese and a collection of artistic nature photographs.