
unusual facts about Masato Tanaka

Giant Baba Memorial Cup

The participants were separated into two separate blocks; Shigeo Okumura, Nobukazu Hirai, Hideki Hosaka, Hi69, Mitsuya Nagai and Ryuji Hijikata were in "Block A" and Nobutaka Araya, Yaz Urano, Tomoaki Honma, Gran Naniwa, Kazushi Miyamoto, and Masato Tanaka were in "Block B".

Mr. Pogo

His last match as an active FMW wrestler took place on December 11, 1996, teaming with Masato Tanaka, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and the returning Atsushi Onita to defeat Terry Funk, Hisakatsu Oya, and The Headhunters in what was considered Pogo's retirement match.

see also