It was originally published in France by Maspero as L'An V de la Révolution Algérienne (Year Five of the Algerian Revolution) It was translated into English in 1965 and published by Monthly Review under the title Studies In A Dying Colonialism, which was shortened to A Dying Colonialism when appearing as a mass-market paperback by Grove Press in 1967.
This is the western branch of Line 3, this phase will connect Attaba Station with the already existing Gamal Abdel Nasser Station through Emad El-Din Street with a new station built in between, it will then continue on its way onto Maspero (New Station) and run under both branches of the Nile passing through Zamalek island and ending at Sphinx Square Station.
It was Maspero who recommended Carter to George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon in 1907, when the Earl approached him to seek advice for the use of an expert to head his planned archaeological expedition to the Valley of the Kings.