
unusual facts about Maule Region

Roman Catholic Diocese of Talca

The diocese lies in the Maule Region of Chile and covers a territory of 17,000 km².


Curanipe (in mapudungun: "plum tree that grows in the rock") is a town and seat of the municipality of Pelluhue, Province of Cauquenes, in VII Maule Region of Chile.

Huerta del Maule

Huerta del Maule or Huerta de Maule is a Chilean hamlet (caserío) in San Javier, Linares Province, Maule Region.

Lora, Chile

Lora is a town on the Mataquito River, in the Licantén commune of the Curicó Province, Maule Region, in Chile.


Nirivilo (in Mapudungun: fox snake, a creature in the Mapuche mythology of Chile) is a hamlet (caserío) in San Javier commune, in the Chilean province of Linares, Maule Region.


Today it is most commonly used in the creation of jug wine in the Bío-Bío, Maule and Itata River regions in the south.

see also