
10 unusual facts about Maundy Thursday

All Saints' Church, Hawton

Most famous is the Easter Sepulchre, which would have been used to reserve the consecrated bread and wine between Maundy Thursday and Easter Day, during which period there would have been no celebration of Holy Communion, and the consecrated elements would have been reserved in the Sepulchre.

Blå Jungfrun

According to a widespread belief, related already by Olaus Magnus in 1555, witches meet there each Maundy Thursday.

Colin Humphreys

In 2011 Humphreys claimed in his book The Mystery of the Last Supper that the Last Supper took place on Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), not as traditionally thought Thursday (Maundy Thursday), and the apparent timing discrepancies (Nisan 15 or 14) between the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke versus John are rooted in the use of different calendars by the writers, the former group using an older Jewish calendar and the latter a lunar calendar.

Concilium Germanicum

On Maundy Thursday, bishops were to consecrate oil (chrism) during a special mass, with which all the parishes in their diocese were to be supplied;


Maundy Thursday – a Christian holiday commemorating the Last Supper


The presbyterium is most visible during the ordination of new priests and bishops and the Mass of the Chrism: the Holy Thursday Mass where the blessing of the oils used in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders takes place.


Because of the importance of the last few days of Holy Week, and because of the joy of the Resurrection, the Typikon (Ustav) forbids, as in other festal periods, special prayers for the departed, e.g. a Panikhida, aside from funerals from Great and Holy Thursday through Thomas Sunday (a period of eleven days).

Richard Hygons

The Salve Regina, being based on a votive antiphon for Maundy Thursday, was probably intended for use on that day.


These statues are carried in processions on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.


Some of the most important occur on New Year’s Day, Candlemas, Holy Week, especially Maundy Thursday, Day of the Holy Cross (May 3), feast of John the Baptist on 24 June, Day of the Dead and the posadas leading up to Christmas.

Cross Maidan

Good Friday and Maundy Thursday services are held in an exclusive area around the cross.

David Paul Drach

On Maundy Thursday, 1823, he renounced Judaism in the presence of Archbishop Quélen, in Paris, was baptized the following (Holy) Saturday, and on Easter morning received his first Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Exception to the regular broadcast time is every Maundy Thursday to Good Friday when the station operates from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and Black Saturday when it airs from 6:00 am to 8:00 am and 5:30 pm to 12:00 midnight, after the Easter Vigil.


During Holy Week of each year from Maundy Thursday to Black Saturday, replacing its regular format to some words from the Bible and Reflections every hour in between songs playing.


It is a 24 hour operating station, except on Sundays where it signs off at midnight to 5:00 AM, except Holy Week each year where it signs off at midnight of Maundy Thursday, and lasts until 5:00 AM of Black Saturday.


Bombo Radyo Kalibo airs everyday from 4:50 in the morning to 09:00 in the evening, except Holy Week of each year where it signs-off from Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday, and resumes broadcasting on Easter Sunday.


Bombo Radyo Vigan airs everyday from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm, except Holy Week of each year where it signs-off from Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday, and resumes broadcasting on Easter Sunday.


Bombo Radyo Dagupan airs everyday from 5:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, except Holy Week of each year where it signs-off from Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday, and resumes broadcasting on Easter Sunday.


Bombo Radyo Baguio airs everyday from 4:30 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, except Holy Week of each year where it signs-off from Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday, and resumes broadcasting on Easter Sunday.

Paschal cycle

Great and Holy Thursday: The washing of the disciples' feet, the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the "Marvelous Prayer", and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot (3 days)

Public holidays in Sweden

There are also de facto half-day holidays (with some variation depending on employer): Twelfth Night, Maundy Thursday, Walpurgis Night, the day before Ascension Day and the day before All Saints's Day.

Stripping of the Altar

The Stripping of the Altar is a ceremony carried out in the earlier form of the Roman Rite at the end of Mass of the Lord's Supper on Maundy Thursday.