
unusual facts about Maurice Barrès

Authoritarian democracy

Maurice Barrès, who greatly influenced the policies of fascism, claimed that true democracy was authoritarian democracy while rejecting liberal democracy as a fraud.

Antisemitic League of France

It was supported by newspapers such as Drumont's La Libre Parole; Jules Guérin's French weekly L'Antijuif (fr) (Paris, 1896-1902); the daily La Cocarde (fr) (1888-1907) founded by Georges de Labruyère (fr) and edited September 1894 - March 1895 by Maurice Barrès; Henri Rochefort's L'Intransigeant; and the Catholic newspaper La Croix.


At the height of its fame, the little theatre attracted audiences from the leisured classes visiting surrounding thermal spas, as well as religious/political pilgrims from the big cities and beyond, including Jules Méline, Maurice Barrès, and the Shah of Persia.


The "Dada excursion", conceived as a manner to revive the public's awareness of Dada, failed to gain needed attention, and, together with a mock trial of reactionary writer Maurice Barrès held later in the year, helped create a rift between Tzara's group and the future Surrealists Breton and Picabia.

see also