Peter Levi on the BBC called the book "Radioactive hogwash", while Joe Ambrose of the Irish Sunday Tribune (who has expressed virulently critical views on many of Gray's books) called the author "a vainglorious lout" and "a profoundly reactionary penman".
He had obtained the support of the Jewish Social Democratic Party, who argued that Stand, despite being a reactionary, represented the lesser evil of the two run-off candidates.
Giovanni Artusi (1540–1613), composer, music theorist and famous reactionary music critic
He was present with the Count of Artois, the reactionary brother of Louis XVI, at Pillnitz in August 1791 at the time of the issuance of the Declaration of Pillnitz, an attempt to intimidate the revolutionary government of France that the Count of Artois pressed for.
After the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, Bettelheim was very critical of the new leaders (Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping) who began to abandon Maoist principles, and replacing them with a politics of modernization which Bettelheim considered reactionary and authoritarian.
He opposed the formation of state-sanctioned Christian churches in China (Three-Self Patriotic Movement) and supported the Legion of Mary, an association of Catholic laity that was viewed as reactionary organization by the communists.
Writing from a Marxist perspective, Crohmălniceanu argued that the novelist was constructing "precipitous ramblings", the signs of "reactionary delirium".
The rise of Bismarck's new Germany made this reactionary policy too dangerous for a great empire to risk.
It was organized by reactionary "Chouan" royalist forces, and was targeted at the radical Jacobins and anyone suspected of supporting them.
He was imprisoned at Cáceres for his violent attacks on the reactionary ministry of Narvaez, acted as secretary to the revolutionary Junta of Catalonia when Isabella II was dethroned, and wrote the "Manifesto to the Nation" published by the provisional government on 26 October 1868.
Vincke, former member of the Frankfurt Parliament, a polished orator and firebrand, had fallen out with Prime Minister Otto Theodor von Manteuffel over his reactionary policies and in 1852 even fought a duel with Bismarck after a heated verbal exchange in parliament (both men missed).
Under Stalinism, the USSR considered some nations to be "progressive" and some others to be "reactionary".
That year, many reactionary groups wanted to emulate Mussolini's "March on Rome" with a "March on Berlin."
When the reactionary movement set in, he resigned the posts he held under the government, but continued, as a member of the Prussian Second Chamber, a vigorous opposition to the Manteuffel ministry, which had deserted the cause of German unity.
Loyalist sectarian murders were bearing heavily on the Catholic/nationalist community and Torney struggled to hold back reactionary elements within his grouping.
The Reds criticized the Polish National Government for being reactionary in its policy to provide incentive to Polish peasants to fight in the uprising.
Whereas the central Maoist leaders encouraged the masses to criticize reactionary "ideas" and "habits" among the alleged 5% of bad cadres, giving them a chance to "turn over a new leaf" after they had undergone "thought reform," the ultra-left argued that cultural revolution had to give way to political revolution "in which one class overthrows another class".
Not fictional was the column's presiding spirit, Colonel Sibthorp, an eccentric and reactionary Victorian Member of Parliament, about whom Wharton made a BBC radio documentary in 1954.
According to British historian Gerald Brenan, "Spain needed radical reforms and he could only govern by the permission of the two most reactionary forces in the country—the Army and the Church."
The group lobbied to make sure that Stanley Baldwin, the prime minister, resisted the influence of reactionary elements in the Conservative Party and instead implemented progressive legislation.
Cultural critic Richard Barbrook argues that members of the digerati, who adhere to the Californian Ideology, embrace a form of reactionary modernism which combines economic growth with social stratification.
"Reactionary modernism" is a term coined by Jeffrey Herf in 1984 book, Reactionary Modernism: Technology, Culture and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich, to describe the mixture of "great enthusiasm for modern technology with a rejection of the Enlightenment and the values and institutions of liberal democracy" which was characteristic of the German Conservative Revolutionary movement and Nazism.
The "Dada excursion", conceived as a manner to revive the public's awareness of Dada, failed to gain needed attention, and, together with a mock trial of reactionary writer Maurice Barrès held later in the year, helped create a rift between Tzara's group and the future Surrealists Breton and Picabia.
In 1850, Frederick William summoned the reactionary Hans Daniel Hassenpflug to be his head of government.