He was the son of the Liberal activists Sir Maurice Bonham Carter and his wife, the former Lady Violet Asquith, daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.
He also held a number of business directorships with companies such as Blackburn and General Aircraft, Hanworth Securities Ltd, Scophony Ltd and was a partner with merchant bankers O.T. Falk and Partners, and stockbrokers Buckmaster & Moore.
As well as having an illustrious father, she married her father's Principal Private Secretary, Sir Maurice Bonham Carter, nicknamed "Bongie", in 1915.
Jimmy Carter | Maurice Ravel | Ron Carter | Maurice Chevalier | Maurice Maeterlinck | Carter | Maurice Richard Arena | Howard Carter | Helena Bonham Carter | Maurice Delafosse | Benny Carter | Maurice Sendak | Maurice Gibb | Regina Carter | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | June Carter Cash | Chris Carter | Angela Carter | Aaron Carter | Maurice Tourneur | Deana Carter | Nick Carter | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Lynda Carter | Saint-Maurice | Maurice Richard |