Having played for Liverpool RFC he went on to become one of the first Englishmen to play in France, and ended up captaining Angoulême and he also later played for Wasps RFC and Swansea RFC.
Maurice Ravel | Maurice Chevalier | Maurice Maeterlinck | Maurice Richard Arena | Maurice Delafosse | Maurice Sendak | Maurice Gibb | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | Maurice Tourneur | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Saint-Maurice | Maurice Richard | Maurice LaMarche | Maurice Kanbar | Maurice Jarre | Maurice Fitzgerald | Maurice de Saxe | Maurice Bishop International Airport | Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne | Maurice Utrillo | Maurice Petty | Maurice Lucas | Maurice Iwu | Maurice Hewlett | Maurice Blanchot | Maurice Abravanel |
While in Paris, after beating France in the Five Nations, England teammate Maurice Colclough emptied a bottle of free aftershave from the after-match meal, filled it with wine, and drank from it.