
unusual facts about Maurice Duplessis

Antisemitism in Canada

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Frederick Blair, Thomas Crerar, Vincent Massey, Ernest Lapointe, Thomas Dufferin Pattullo, Wilfrid Lacroix, Hervé-Edgar Brunelle, Charlotte Whitton, Maurice Duplessis, Norman Robertson were all actively involved in the Antisemitic Xenophobia that resulted in the turning away of the MS St. Louis.

Jean Duceppe

Some of his greatest successes were his portrayals of Willy Loman in La Mort d'un commis-voyageur (Death of a Salesman) and Premier Maurice Duplessis in Charbonneau et le chef (Charbonneau and the Chief).

Kristian Gravenor

He spent several years writing news and city columns for the Montreal Mirror where his articles shed light on often sensational yet little-known stories about Montreal, including the reputed Montreal demises of Veronica Lake and Maurice Duplessis, the trial of three women accused of beating rock star Serge Fiori and the ongoing tragedy of the Duplessis Orphans.

Mon oncle Antoine

The film examines life in the Maurice Duplessis-era Asbestos region of rural Québec prior to the Asbestos Strike of the late 1940s.

Third Congress on the French Language in Canada

Afterwards came the prime minister of Canada Louis Saint-Laurent and the premier of Quebec Maurice Duplessis as presidents, the archbishop of Montreal Mgr Paul-Émile Léger, chief justice of Canada Thibaudeau Rinfret, Université Laval rector Ferdinand Vandry, chief justice of the supreme court of New Brunswick Enoil Michaud, and Henri T. Ledoux, as vice presidents.

see also