
3 unusual facts about Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

The MPI for Solar System Research offers the PhD programme "International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Physical Processes in the Solar System and Beyond" together with the University of Göttingen and the Technical University of Braunschweig.

A major highlight was the camera developed at the Institute for the ESA spacecraft Giotto which delivered the first photographs ever of a comet’s nucleus in 1986.

The Institute together with the Max Planck Society decided to move the institute closer to the University of Göttingen.

Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter

The project is an international collaboration of researchers from Louisiana State University, University of Maryland, College Park, Marshall Space Flight Center, Purple Mountain Observatory in China, Moscow State University in Russia and Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany.

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