The elder Arthur and his brother, Thomas, came to Clinton County, Ohio, in 1811, shortly after it was founded in 1810.
Abraham Lincoln was a famous participant in this conflict, which marked the end of native armed resistance to U.S. expansion in the Northwest Territory.
These McCanns built and operated a pottery in Wilmington, Ohio, where they manufactured a dark colored, finely polished ware.
The McCann brothers were three Irishmen who migrated from Ohio to Wisconsin in the mid-nineteenth century.
Brothers Grimm | Lehman Brothers | Christian Brothers | The Everly Brothers | Marx Brothers | The Chemical Brothers | Congregation of Christian Brothers | Wright brothers | The Doobie Brothers | The Allman Brothers Band | McCann Erickson | The Blues Brothers | Marist Brothers | Coen brothers | Lever Brothers | Brooks Brothers | Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools | The Bellamy Brothers | Band of Brothers (TV miniseries) | Band of Brothers | The Righteous Brothers | The Neville Brothers | Schweizer brothers | Olmsted Brothers | The Brothers | Big Brothers Big Sisters of America | The Flying Burrito Brothers | The Brothers Karamazov | Short Brothers |