
6 unusual facts about McMurdo Sound

Bathycrinicola tumidula

Bathycrinicola tumidula is also notable for inhabiting McMurdo Sound, near McMurdo Station, Ross Island here, scientists who inhabit the American station throughout the Summer months can observe this species carefully.


An origin by fractionation from basanite through nepheline hawaiite to nepheline benmoreite has been demonstrated for a volcanic suite in the McMurdo Volcanic Group of late Cenozoic age in McMurdo Sound area.

Sewart Air Force Base

Staging from Christchurch, New Zealand, the C-130s flew 7:40 hours to McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, on 23 January to establish a record-breaking time previously held by a U.S. Navy R7V Super Constellation.

Susan Solomon

In 1986 and 1987 Solomon led the National Ozone Expedition to McMurdo Sound, where the team gathered the evidence to confirmed the accelerated reactions.

Winter Quarters Bay

The submarine ridge and Hut Point Peninusula temper the effect of McMurdo Sound ocean currents.

The basin provides an open area for the cargo ships to depart the ice pier, swing north, and proceed into a ship channel through McMurdo Sound.

Bartley Glacier

It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for construction driver Ollie B. Bartley, U.S. Navy, who was killed on January 14, 1957 when the vehicle (weasel) he was driving dropped through the sea ice at Hut Point, McMurdo Sound.

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition

A supporting group, the Ross Sea party, would meanwhile travel to the opposite side of the continent, establish camp in McMurdo Sound, and from there lay a series of supply depots across the Ross Ice Shelf to the foot of the Beardmore Glacier.

Mount Hayward

It was named by the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition (1958–59) for Victor Hayward, a British member of Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914–17), who lost his life in a blizzard on May 8, 1916 on the sea ice in McMurdo Sound.

Parborlasia corrugatus

Densities range greatly from 0.3 m−2 recorded in McMurdo Sound, to the substantially higher densitiy of 26.2 m−2 around Signy Island.

Postage stamps and postal history of the Ross Dependency

Due to ice conditions, Shackleton was unable to reach King Edward VII Land, and established his base in McMurdo Sound.


Synechococcus has been observed to occur at concentrations ranging between a few cells per ml to 106 cells per ml in virtually all regions of the oceanic euphotic zone except in samples from the McMurdo Sound and Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.

see also

Dailey Islands

She worked at South Pole Station as general field assistant the first two seasons; from 1981, she worked for 15 seasons as heavy equipment operator at Williams Field, McMurdo Sound, with assignments at field camps including Siple Dome, Siple Station, and Byrd Surface Camp.

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition

This expedition set out from Vahsel Bay, following a route which avoided the Beardmore Glacier altogether, and bypassed much of the Ross Ice Shelf, reaching McMurdo Sound via a descent of the Skelton Glacier.

James B. McClintock

In 1998, the U.S. Geographic Board named McClintock Point on the north side of New Harbor, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, in recognition of his contributions to Antarctic marine biology.