
unusual facts about Meetings, Bloody Meetings

Video Arts

Productions include Awkward Customers, More Akward Customers, Who Sold You This, Then?, It's Alright, It's Only a Customer, How Not to Exhibit Yourself, I'll Think About It, The Unorganised Manager, Meetings, Bloody Meetings and More Bloody Meetings.

2009 British 125 Championship season

The championship went down to the very last meetings at Oulton Park, James Lodge leading by 18 points from Martin Glossop with Rob Guiver 23 points behind; after Glossop fell, Lodge only had to finish 14th to take the title.

Alcoholics Anonymous

You Kill Me - a 2007 crime-comedy film starring Ben Kingsley as a mob hit man with a drinking problem who is forced to accept a job at a mortuary and go to AA meetings, where he explains he wants to be free of his drinking problem because it is affecting his ability to kill effectively.

Champoeg Meetings

Those who participated in these early meetings included François Norbert Blanchet, William J. Bailey, Mr. Charlevon, David Donpierre, Gustavus Hines, William Johnson, Jason Lee, Étienne Lucier, Robert Moore, Josiah Lamberson Parrish, Sidney Smith, and David Leslie.

Christoffel Nortje

Professor Nortje has spoken extensively in Maxillofacial Radiology scientific meetings in Hungary, Italy, USA, Brazil, Abu Dhabi, Lebanon, Bangkok, Thailand, China, Namibia and Zimbabwe.


The Canadian government continues to draw both domestic and international criticism for its stance on chrysotile, most recently in international meetings about the Rotterdam Convention hearings regarding chrysotile.

Chū Kudō

In 1942, he held secret meetings with Fumimaro Konoe and others in the upper levels of the Japanese government who hoped to bring a quick end to the Second Sino-Japanese War and an armistice with Kuomintang.

Dai Min

Dai Min and Milligan-Whyte are the co-hosts of ChinaSmartMagazine.com, the first installment of which was footage of meetings negotiating the Proposed US China Grand Strategy Agreement.

Dumbarton Oaks Conference

Robert Woods Bliss (1875–1962), who with his wife, Mildred Barnes Bliss (1879–1969), had given Dumbarton Oaks to Harvard University in 1940 to establish a scholarly research institute and museum in Byzantine studies, was instrumental in arranging for these meetings.

Energy Regulators Regional Association

They were then supported from 1999 to 2008 by the US National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), which, with the participation of USAID, arranged technical forums, meetings and study tours for mutual training and development.

Erika Chambers

From October 1978 over a period of six weeks, they noted that Salameh spent most afternoons with his wife, former Miss Universe Georgina Rizk, at her apartment in Snoubra, West Beirut, and when not in meetings spent time at the gym and at a sauna.


Some of FERN's most outstanding coordination and facilitation work is the organisation of NGO meetings on various issues, such as the annual Forest Movement Europe meeting.

Flag of the Governor-General of New Zealand

The flag is flown at places the Governor-General occupies or resides such as Governor-General's residence, Parliament of New Zealand while attending Executive Council meetings and on official vehicles.

Frédéric Kibassa Maliba

In 1998, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) and Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade co-sponsored, under the organisation of Joe Clark, a visit by Kibassa as DRC Minister of Mines for meetings with mining companies at the PDAC's annual convention in Toronto.

Friends of Lulu

In the early 1990s, comic book professionals Trina Robbins, Heidi MacDonald, Deni Loubert, Anina Bennett, and Jackie Estrada banded together to share frustrations, information and aspirations for females in the male-dominated comics industry, and held the very first "Friends of Lulu" meetings at a comics convention.

Genrikh Borovik

His educational program The Will of the 20th Century, in which the writer and journalist described his meetings with prominent people of the 20th century, such as Alexander Kerensky, Ernest Hemingway, Kim Philby, Konstantin Simonov, Graham Greene, Walter Cronkite, Mother Teresa and others, was highly praised by audiences and critics, and constantly enjoyed the highest rating among the programs on Culture.

Grigore Gafencu

He participated at the founding of the Free Europe Committee and he organized each Tuesday evening in his apartment on Park Avenue, New York City a series of meetings called Tuesday Panels in which current events were discussed.

Heolyfelin, Aberdare

The origins of the church at Heolyfelin date back to the 1840s, when prayer meetings and a Sunday school were established in the area that later became known as Trecynon.

International Sign

International Sign (IS) is an international auxiliary language sometimes used at international meetings such as the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) congress, events such as the Deaflympics, and informally when travelling and socialising.

Jack Dash

Dash, who was interested in poetry and would quote Samuel Butler or Robert Browning in his speeches, was often invited to address prestigious bodies: he spoke at 40 student meetings, and opposed the motion 'This House would outlaw unofficial strikes' at the Oxford Union debating society.

Jack H. Goaslind

During this time, he oversaw placing Emmanuel A. Kissi in charge of the church's affairs in Ghana during "the freeze", when the government of Ghana forbade all meetings of the church.

Jalari in corto

The film international festival, Jalari in Corto, was born in the summer of 2004 from an idea of the youth of the Cultural Environment Ethnographic "Jalari" Andrea and Italian, in order to promote, raise awareness and bring the art of cinema and in general the communicative power of artistic expression with as many people as possible through short films and meetings with authors, actors and critics.

Jean Metzinger

However, Princet would remain close to Metzinger and participate in meetings of the Section d'Or in Puteaux.

Jesse Moren Bader

From 1937 onwards he attended all the major ecumenical gatherings related to the formation and establishment of the World Council of Churches including Oxford and Edinburgh (1937), Amsterdam (1948), Evanston (1954), New Delhi (1961) and the annual meetings of the World Council of Churches executive committee once it was set up in 1948.

Junzo Muto

Even without the Iron Fist, Junzo is a world class master martial artist, having defeated Iron Fist at all of their meetings as well as Night Thrasher and Steel Serpent, he is easily one of the most skilled practitioners of unarmed combat in the Marvel Universe.

La Femme au Cheval

Princet was close to Metzinger and participated in meetings of the Section d'Or in Puteaux, giving informal lectures to the artists, many of whom were passionate about mathematical order.

Leonora O'Reilly

O'Reilly accompanied her mother to meetings at Cooper Union and her father's friend, Victor Drury, helped instill in her an appreciation for the Italian nationalist Mazzini.

Luca Family Singers

Like the Hutchinsons, the Lucas were active in abolitionism, and began performing in 1850 at abolitionist meetings.

Marie Ganz

The judge is very lenient, but she signs an autobiography in which she renounces anarchism and writes: "During all this time, Emma Goldman, the anarchist leader, was away on a lecture tour and out of harm's way. She paid no attention to appeals to come back and to take part in the meetings. She was making money and she was living comfortably at first-class hotels, and I became convinced that she had always been actuated by sordid motives."

Mike Sharwood Smith

Speakers at the LARS meetings have included leading figures such as Melissa Bowerman, Ray Jackendoff, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Mary-Louise Kean, Brian MacWhinney, Frederick Newmeyer, Steven Pinker and Deirdre Wilson as well as many prominent researchers in second language acquisition.

Miss Lupita project

The workshops were nearly canceled as a result of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, but after meetings with officials it was decided to continue but at a later date.

National Association of Boat Owners

There are no specific regional meetings or sub-committees, but each county has a Regional Representative on the Council, a River Users Coordinator to look after the special interests of boat owners on rivers and a Continuous Cruising Representative.

New King James Version

It was inaugurated in 1975 with two meetings (Nashville and Chicago) of 130 biblical scholars, pastors, and theologians.

Paul Greifzu Stadium

Every year the Anhalt-Meeting is held in the Paul Greifzu Stadium, regarded as one of the best outdoor meetings in Europe by athletes such as Franka Dietzsch or Tim Lobinger.

Philip Nitschke

He was detained for an hour for questioning on arrival at Auckland Airport in New Zealand on a trip to hold public meetings and launch the kit.

Pitstop Ploughshares

Public meetings took place around the trials, with well-known speakers such as Denis Halliday and Kathy Kelly.

Reuben Brown House

Presumably the League of Women Voters had one of their first meetings in the house in the early 20th century.

Rio Grande Foundation

During the 2009 legislative session, State Representative Janice Arnold-Jones made arrangements to Webcast legislative committee meetings herself.

Royal Statistical Society

It also publishes the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, which currently consists of three separate series of journals whose contents include papers presented at Ordinary Meetings of the Society, namely Series A (Statistics in Society), Series B (Statistical Methodology) and Series C (Applied Statistics), as well as a general audience magazine called Significance published in conjunction with the American Statistical Association.

Sheffield Socialist Society

The Society began organising stalls on Fargate, with speakers extolling the virtues of socialism, and organised meetings with a wide range of speakers, including Hyndman, Morris, Annie Besant and Peter Kropotkin.

Shrewsbury Motocross Club

The club has 60 rider members, and stages six race meetings per year at its circuit at Allfields, near Condover, Shrewsbury.

Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência

In the next meetings, in Curitiba (1950) and Belo Horizonte (1951), increasing participation and enthusiasm followed, with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences first involvement, as well as of other scientific societies.

Thomas Waddell

When See resigned in June 1904, he recommended to Governor Sir Harry Rawson that he appoint Paddy Crick, but Rawson did not favour Crick because of his excessive drinking in Executive Council meetings and in due course asked Waddell to be premier.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Two Annual General Meetings (2012 and 2013) of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) have endorsed RMT support for TUSC candidates and the RMT is formally represented on the TUSC steering committee.

United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda

The first plans for mass murder of Tutsi were also developed toward the end of 1990, mostly in a series of secret meetings in Gisenyi prefecture of the Akazu, a network of associates based around Agathe Habyarimana, the First Lady.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 303

Meetings at the Council were called following a deterioration in relations between India and Pakistan over a series of incidents, including Jammu and Kashmir, and the additional strife in East Pakistan.

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri

Shah Jahan's court histories emphasise his personal involvement in the construction and it is true that, more than any other Mughal emperor, he showed the greatest interest in building, holding daily meetings with his architects and supervisors.

Victory day of Bangladesh

The ritual of the celebration gradually obtained a distinctive character with a number of similar elements: Military Parade by Bangladesh Armed Forces at the National Parade Ground, ceremonial meetings, speeches, lectures, receptions and fireworks.

William Henry Houghton

After a series of revivalistic meetings at a Baptist church in New Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the spring of 1918, he accepted their offer of the pastorate and stayed until he took a new pastorate at the First Baptist Church of Norristown, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1920.

Workers' Institute

Miners' institute or mechanics' institute, buildings constructed for workers' education and meetings

see also