Initially only the sons of the Arab sheikhs and notables were permitted to enroll, however later Kurds were permitted to enrol, and after petitioning by Albanian notables, in 1902 an imperial decree resulted in the enrollment of twenty students from the Albanian cities of Debree, Elbasan, and Yanya.
Humayun | Humayun Saeed | Humayun Kabir | Humayun Farhat | Mekteb-i Aşiret-i Humayun | Humayun's Tomb | Humayun Azad | Humayun Ahmed | Hatt-i humayun |
He attended the Mekteb-i Aşiret-i Humayun (Tribal School) at Constantinople, and continued on to the Royal College.
Hatt-i humayun, a handwritten note of an official nature by the Ottoman Sultan.
Originally located in the Harbiye neighborhood of Istanbul, the Academy was formed in 1834 by Marshal Ahmed Fevzi Pasha together with Mehmed Namık Pasha, as the Mekteb-i Harbiye (Ottoman Turkish: lit. "War School"), and the first class of officers graduated in 1841.