
unusual facts about Kurds


Kurds in Syria |

1904 Sasun uprising

On January 17, with groups of Murad Sebastatsi and Seyto he attacked the Kurds, who (with Turkish troops) retreated to Pasur.

21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force

In addition, it controlled the Operation Provide Comfort airlift missions to the Kurds following the Persian Gulf War, the Operation Provide Hope airlift in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and participated in Operation Restore Hope, the humanitarian airlift of food and supplies into Somalia.


Aishani or Aisani, or Aishiya (عیشانیه، عیسانیه) was a Kurdish dynasty that ruled 912–961 A.D. (300–350 A.H.) in parts of Kurdistan (western Iran) in areas such as Dinawar, Hamadan, Samghan, Sharizur etc. as far as Azarbaijan.

Al-Jazira province

In 1936-1937 there was some autonomist agitation in the province among Assyrians and Kurds, supported by some Bedouins.

Al-Nasir Muhammad Salah al-Din

He was the husband of as-Sayyidah Fatimah, daughter of the headman of the Kurds in Dhamar, who built the al-Abhar Mosque in San'a.

Ali Rahimi

Frans van Anraat is the person responsible for the delivery of chemicals to the Iraqi regime that were used in bombing the Kurds in the North of Iraq and the Kurdish city of Sardasht.

Arabs in Sweden

It is worth mentioning that many of them might not actually be ethnically Arab but due to the general confusion between the meaning of Arab and other groups coming from the same area (such as the case of Kurds, Berbers, Turkmen, Assyrians, Roma etc.) the exact number of the actual Arab population in the Sweden may be greatly biased.

Arabs in the Netherlands

It is worth mentioning that many of them might not actually be ethnically Arab but due to the general confusion between the meaning of Arab and other groups coming from the same area (such as the case of Kurds, Berbers, Turkmen, Assyrians, Roma etc.) the exact number of the actual Arab population in the Netherlands may be greatly biased.

Arnold Wilson

In Wilson’s views, the priority was to reconstruct and stabilize the country, by establishing an efficient government and administration as well as a fair treatment and political representation of the various ethnic and religious communities (i.e., in the case of Iraq: Arabs, Kurds, Persians, of religions such as Islam Shiite and Sunni, Christianity and Judaism).


In 1898 Lynch considered the population to be close to 30,000, comprising 10,000 Armenians, 300 Syrians, and the rest Muslim Kurds (both Alevis and Sunnis included).

Black Jackets

Italians, Turks, Kurds, Albanians, Somalis, Serbs and Montenegrins, Mhalmites, Bosniaks, Russians (ethnic Russians as well as Chechens, Russian Jews and German Russians), Eritreans, Greeks, Afghans and Moroccans have all significantly contributed to the membership in Germany.

Caspian race

As a form of racial admixture, Caspian subtype represented among; Azerbaijanis, Kumuks, Kurds, Turkmens and Talyshs.

Chechen people

Much like other highlanders such as Scots, Kurds and Albanians, a large majority of the nation's national heroes fought for independence (or otherwise, like the legendary Zelimkhan, robbed from the nation deemed the oppressor in order to feed Chechen children in a Robin Hood-like fashion).


19th-century scholars, such as George Rawlinson, identified Corduene and Carduchi with the modern Kurds, considering that Carduchi was the ancient lexical equivalent of "Kurdistan".

Demographics of Syria

The Kurds, a majority of whom speak Kurdish, make up 9% of the population and live mostly in the northeast corner of Syria, as well in pockets all along the northern borders of Syria with Turkey, and demographically dominate the district of Afrin, west of Aleppo, though sizable Kurdish communities live in most major Syrian cities as well.


Dzhigitovka of Kurds and Tatars in front of the Fortress of Sardarapat in Armenia.

Geography of Iraq

In the process whole villages were torched and subsequently bulldozed, which resulted in the Kurds flocking into the regional centers of Irbil and As Sulaymaniyah.

Harith al-Dhari

His father and grandfather killed British Colonel Gerard Leachman and played a part in the 1920 revolution against British imperial rule, which was the fiercest in the Shi'ite south, and was a seminal moment of unity between Iraq's Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Kurds that forced the British to allow a form of self-rule.

Hashim Ahmadzadeh

His other works include a translation of Dr. Abbas Vali's Genealogies of the Kurds: Constructions of Nation and National Identity in Kurdish Historical Writing ,The Kurds and their Others: Fragmented Identity and Fragmented Politics into Kurdish as well as Paul Auster's The Red Notebook.

Ibrahim Heski

In 1931, intense fighting broke out in the vicinity of Maku between Persian troops and Kurds.

Ibrahim Sirkeci

He authored several books including Cultures of Migration published by University of Texas Press in 2011, and The Environment of Insecurity in Turkey and the Emigration of Turkish Kurds to Germany, was published by Edwin Mellen Press in 2006.

Iranian diaspora

There are an estimated 150 to 200 million native speakers of Iranian languages (including 70 million in Iran as of 2006), the five major groups of Persians, Lurs, Pashtuns, Kurds and Baloch accounting for about 90% of this number.

Islamic Army in Iraq

A November 2004 Washington Post interview with the group's leader, Ishmael Jubouri, stated that the IAI was predominantly composed of Iraqis (Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, and Arabs) trying to force foreign troops out of Iraq.

Kurdish culture

A people such as the Guti (Kurti), Mede, Mard, Carduchi(Gordyaei), Adiabene, Zila and Khaldi signify not the ancestor of the Kurds but only one ancestor.

Kurdish languages

The Italian priest Maurizio Garzoni published the first Kurdish grammar titled Grammatica e Vocabolario della Lingua Kurda in Rome in 1787 after eighteen years of missionary work among the Kurds of Amadiya.

Kurds in Syria

In other parts of the country during this period, Kurds became local chiefs and tax farmers in Akkar (Lebanon) and the Qusayr highlands between Antioch and Latakia in northwestern Syria.


As Muhamed Amin Zaki in his book, A Short History of the Kurds and Kurdistan, during regional conflicts between Kara Koyunlu and Aq Qoyunlu, the Mukri kurds gained power in the fertile valleys of south of Lake Urmia.

Maruf Khaznadar

# Al-Akrad: Mulahezat u Enteba'at (The Kurds: Notes and Impressions), By Minorsky, Translation from Russian into Arabic, 99 pp.


However, Martin van Bruinessen, a prominent Dutch scholar, argues against the attempt to take the Medes as ancestors of the Kurds.

Mekteb-i Aşiret-i Humayun

Initially only the sons of the Arab sheikhs and notables were permitted to enroll, however later Kurds were permitted to enrol, and after petitioning by Albanian notables, in 1902 an imperial decree resulted in the enrollment of twenty students from the Albanian cities of Debree, Elbasan, and Yanya.


The ancient Mitannis or Hurrians are also believed by some researchers to be one of the several ancient ancestral tribes of the modern Kurds.


This meaning of nationality is not defined by political borders or passport ownership and includes nations that lack an independent state (such as the Scots, Welsh, English, Basques, Kurds, Tamils, Hmong, Inuit and Māori).

Nochiya Region

Together with the Assyrian Nochiya Tribe they fought for independence in 1880 against the Persians - this was the first sign of military and political collaboration between the Kurds and the Assyrians of Nochiya, an alliance that has lasted to this day.

Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire

More recently, there has been a large immigration of Iraqi-Kurds, Hungarians and Romas (Gypsies) into the area.

Semel District

It has about 200,000 inhabitants, mostly consisting of Kurds with a significant Assyrian population

Theodoros Pangalos

In 1996 he was appointed as a Minister for Foreign Affairs and held the post until his resignation in 1999, in the aftermath of the scandal involving the Kurdish nationalist leader, Abdullah Öcalan: helped by individual members of the Greek intelligence agencies Öcalan entered Greece illegally and was then deported to Kenya, where he was captured by Turkish agents after leaving the Greek embassy at Nairobi.

Trolley Books

Major publications include Recollections and Agent Orange by Philip Jones Griffiths, Homeland and Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq by Nina Berman, Kurds – Through The Photographer’s Lens by the KHRP and The Delfina Foundation, Chernobyl – The Hidden Legacy by Pierpaolo Mittica and New Londoners – Reflections on Home by the charity Photovoice in association with 12 young refugees, living in London.


He was instrumental in introducing the Sulaimaniya sorani school of poetry (in particular Nali's poetry) to the Kurds of Mukriyan region and western Iran.

see also