
2 unusual facts about Mel Carnahan

Larry Suffredin

He served Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan as special counsel for gaming issues and was the first executive for the new Missouri Gaming Board from 1992-1994.

Vincent C. Schoemehl

In 1992, Schoemehl was defeated in the Democratic primary by lieutenant governor Mel Carnahan in a bid to become governor of Missouri.

Don't let the fire go out

"Don't let the fire go out" is a phrase used during the 2000 election in a campaign to elect Mel Carnahan to the United States Senate after his death, and Don't Let the Fire Go Out is a book written by his widow, US Senator Jean Carnahan, on the same subject.

Richard B. Teitelman

In 1998, he was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals by Governor Mel Carnahan, serving in that capacity until his appointment to the state Supreme Court by Governor Bob Holden in 2002.

see also