By 1800, Pierre-Louis Panet (1761-1812) was Lord of Ailleboust, whose daughter Charlotte-Mélanie Panet (1794-1872) may have been the source of the name Sainte-Mélanie, also a reference to Melania the Younger (383-439).
Hans Holbein the Younger | William Pitt the Younger | Seneca the Younger | George Dance the Younger | Pliny the Younger | Cato the Younger | Antonio da Sangallo the Younger | Lucas Cranach the Younger | George Colman the Younger | David Teniers the Younger | William Peverel the Younger | Melania Trump | Martino Longhi the Younger | John Winthrop the Younger | Henry Vane the Younger | Sam Younger | Pliny the younger | Melania the Elder | James Craggs the Younger | Francesco Bassano the Younger | Domenico Quaglio the Younger | Cyrus the Younger | Bob Younger | Younger Girl | Younger Futhark | Younger Brother | Younger | Yale Series of Younger Poets Competition | William Pitt the Younger's | Thomas Raikes (the younger) (1777-1848) |
Descriptions during the fourth and fifth centuries appear in writings by John Cassian, St. Melania the Younger, St. Hilary, Eusebius and in the Peregrinatio Ætheriae by St. John Chrysostom.