On March 15, 2006, the second film in the "3 Bogatyrs" trilogy was released, called Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych (Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч), directed by Ilya Maksimov.
In 2000, Melnitsa had started work on the feature-length animated film Little Longnose (Карлик Нос) directed by Ilya Maksimov, based on the fairy tale of Wilhelm Hauff.
animation | studio | Animation | Studio Ghibli | recording studio | Studio One | Warner Bros. Animation | Walt Disney Animation Studios | Microsoft Visual Studio | Toei Animation | Studio One (TV series) | Studio 54 | DreamWorks Animation | original video animation | Sun Studio | Inside the Actors Studio | GameMaker: Studio | Flash animation | Studio Brussel | Studio 2 | computer animation | Studio B | Original Video Animation | Computer animation | SCE London Studio | Muscle Shoals Sound Studio | Virtual Studio Technology | The Studio | Studio Tan | Studio Museum in Harlem |