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It begins in the north of the Tinogasta Department of Catamarca Province, at the confluence of several rivers created by the melting of snow and precipitation in the high Andean peaks, such as the volcano Nevado Incahuasi (6,638 meters), Cerro El Muerto (6,488 metres) and Cerro Negro of Laguna Verde (5,764 metres), which dominates in addition the basin of Salina of Laguna Verde.
Army Daze (1996) — A play, later made into a film, depicting the melting pot of National Service in Singapore.
By re-melting the cast iron in an open hearth, the carbon is oxidized and removed from the iron.
In his book, The Arab Americans: A history, writer Gregory Orfalea describes Ford's inspiration by quoting him, "Their family life, their clean way of living impressed me and I decided that the Americanization of such a race was a big factor in making the "melting pot" one of the greatest nations of history".
The resulting melting pot continued during Ottoman times and therefore modern Turkish cuisine, Arab cuisine, Greek cuisine and Balkans cuisine are all almost identical, and use a very wide range of ingredients.
His studio, Imperfect Utopia became the Bohemian underground address of the artistic melting pot that was Miami Beach in the 80's and 90's and the studio was visited by some of the most important artists, writers, poets, architects, dancers and musicians of the times, including Julian Schnabel, Sandra Bernhard, Gianni Versace, Morris Lapidus, Liz Balmazeda, Octavio Paz, Celia Cruz, Rudolph Nureyev and Bruce Weber.
Many Bolivians on the Altiplano and in two of Bolivia's main cities — La Paz and El Alto — depend on the partial melting of Andean glaciers for their water supply during the dry season.
In a lecture given at Princeton University, IPCC author Michael Oppenheimer admitted that the IPCC report could have better explained the contribution of melting ice sheets in predictions of sea level rise.
Al Gore cited drunken trees caused by melting permafrost in Alaska as evidence of global warming, as part of his presentation in the 2006 documentary film An Inconvenient Truth.
The Electric Melting Shop was home to two Héroult electric arc furnaces, installed in 1912, still working when the site closed.
Analysis of Apollo 14 samples suggests that there are five major geologic constituents present in the immediate landing area: regolith breccias, fragmental breccias, igneous lithologies, granulitic lithologies, and impact-melt lithologies.
In January 2013, Al Jazeera English aired a Witness documentary about Hillbrow described as "A personal journey to Hillbrow, where human spirit, hope and enterprise triumph in this crime-ridden melting pot in the heart of South Africa."
In November Jones directed the 2002 Gay Games Opening Ceremony, he greeted the audience of 38,000 with "Australia and the gay and lesbian community is not so much a melting pot ... We are more of a mixed salad, where every part remains separate, yet adds to the wonder of the whole ... I have been lucky, I have never had to come out, I was never in".
Another was the DNA and other studies associated with Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi, the 500-year-old remains called "Long Ago Man Found," "discovered by sheep hunters in 1999 at the foot of a melting glacier in Tatshenshini-Alsek Park in the Yukon."
Thanks to his fashion of allying the "melting touch of Riaud with the Castillian vehemence of Vélasquez", he gave birth to a new iconography for the Spanish Bourbons.
From 1410 onwards the Fugger constructed melting furnaces in order to proceed the silver and copper won in the mines near Schwaz.
More daringly, in 1956, King's Engineers grabbed Phineas from a cabinet in the University College Union after melting off its locks, the very day before the visit of the Queen Mother to inspect the Scottish Highlander.
Naidoo is somewhat notorious for his involvement in acts of peaceful civil disobedience in the Arctic Ocean against Shell and Gazprom who are currently planning to drill in the Arctic’s melting ice.
It was also situated beside the River Tyne (prior to its rerouting in 1876) which made it easy to bring sand, alkali, and suitable clay for the melting pots to the works.
His particular emphasis was on the role of temperature-dependent viscosity and partial melting for both Earth and Venus.
In the Parisian melting pot, Masamichi Noro met Taisen Deshimaru, Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, Marie-Thérèse Foix, Gisèle de Noiret and Docteur Lily Ehrenfried.
He was strongly attracted to jazz, but also played in crossover groups melting hardcore and heavy experimental guitar music with free improvisation while in high school.
"The Baudelairean imagery of 'Melt' evokes claustrophobic scents of opium, sex and sickly flowers, and lapses into morbidity with lines like, 'You are the melting man and, as you melt, you are beheaded,'" observed Dave Morrison in a review of Twice Upon a Time: The Singles.
Melting in the Dark is an album by Steve Wynn recorded with a backing band consisting of all the members of Come.
The original frontmen of the band were the Casamance singers Balla Sidibe and Rudy Gomis who came from the melting pot of Casamance musical styles, and most famously Laye Mboup (killed in a 1974 car accident) who provided vocals in the Wolof griot style.
In an RBS measurement of the Pb(110) surface, a well-defined surface peak which is stable at low temperatures was found to become wider and more intense as temperature increase past two-thirds of the bulk melting temperature.
The town of Sauda is the fifth largest in Rogaland with 4,290 inhabitants (2006), and the city center is home to Northern Europe's largest melting plant, Eramet Norway AS.
In particular, the group has been able to observe the melting of the Larsen Ice Shelf, the rapid retreat of ice in western Antarctica, and increased summer melting in northern Canada.
The retreat of the Rhine glacier (at the end of the Würm ice age) occurred as a number of melting and stationary phases, which are conventionally divided into nine stages.
In the past, melting ice from the glacier would run through a river directly into the Þingvallavatn Lake.
These tanks are filled either by a pump, windmill, creek, spring, or even rely on runoff water from rain or melting snow.
The story focuses on the 24 hours when a major ice storm strikes the town of New Canaan, Connecticut, just as both families are melting down from the parents' alcoholism, escapism and adultery, and their children's drug use and sexual experimentation.
Several songs from the early repertoire of the Parliaments would be re-recorded on future Parliament and Funkadelic albums, including "Testify," "The Goose," "All Your Goodies Are Gone," "Fantasy Is Reality," "Good Ole Music," "I Can Feel The Ice Melting," "What You Been Growing," "I'll Wait," and "That Was My Girl."
Asked by Ilya Prigogine whether this was in fact the case, Dalí replied that the soft watches were not inspired by the theory of relativity, but by the surrealist perception of a Camembert cheese melting in the sun.
Christian Graugaard, a Danish poet and professor of sexology, has analyzed the tale as a covert autoerotic tale, in which the candle symbolizes the phallus and the melting tallow the semen in an ejaculation.
Together with the Norwegian Minister of Environment Erik Solheim, Ban Ki-Moon lead a debate on the impact of a melting Arctic on the environment.
Huszárik made another experimental short film called Capriccio (about snowmen melting in the spring as an allegory to man's ultimate fate - death) and a short documentary on Hungarian-born artist Amerigo Tot, both in 1969.