
5 unusual facts about Mensa International

Abraham Lavender

He has been a member of Mensa, and the board of directors of the Miami chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Camilla Benbow

Author of many acacemic papers and two books, she is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society, has received a distinguished scholar award from the National Association for Gifted Children, and in 2004 the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation.

Class Cruise

A group of Mensa high school students are rewarded for their academic efforts by going on a 14-week ocean cruise.

Repository for Germinal Choice

Rumors that women were required to be members of Mensa were false; in fact, women did not need to meet any particular intellectual requirement.

Tiffany Montague

Montague grew up in the UK, travelling to the United States at age 16 to attend Smith College where she joined the Reserve Officers' Training Corps and Mensa.

Army General Classification Test

Many high IQ societies, such as Mensa, can map their entrance requirements to early AGCT scores.

Donald Petersen

Mr. Petersen is a member of the Business Council, the National Academy of Engineering, SAE, the Engineering Society of Detroit and Mensa.

Fred and Linda Chamberlain

Mensa wrote in its newsletter that, second to the man credited with the original idea for cryonics, Robert Ettinger, the Chamberlains have contributed more than anyone to the field of cryonics.

Metric time

In television, the Simpsons episode "They Saved Lisa's Brain" has Principal Skinner saying that, thanks to the city being under Mensa's control, the city's trains are not only running on time, but they are running on metric time, while looking at an analog clock with numbers 1–10 (which indicates decimal time).


Common among most hackers, SF fans, and members of several other connected leading-edge subcultures, including the pro-technology 'Whole Earth' wing of the ecology movement, space activists, many members of Mensa, and the Discordian/neo-pagan underground (see geek).

Peter A. Sturgeon

Peter Assheton Sturgeon (November 22, 1916 – July 22, 2005) was founder of the American branch of Mensa and the older brother of noted American science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon.

Ted Nasmith

He is a prominent member of several Tolkien-related organizations (such as The Tolkien Society, the Mythopoeic Society, and Mensa's Beyond Bree).

see also

Ruben Talberg

Talberg, a member of Mensa International, lives and works in Offenbach and Southern France.