
unusual facts about Michael I. Yarymovych

Michael I. Yarymovych

In 1962 he joined NASA Headquarters as Assistant Director of Systems Engineering on the Apollo project and later moved to the Air Force as Technical Director of the Air Force Manned Orbital Laboratory, and Deputy for Requirements to the Assistant Secretary for Research and Development.

Nicolae Steinhardt

In 1944 he was reinstated at the Revista Fundațiilor Regale, and held his job until 1948, when King Michael I was forced to abdicate by the Communist Party of Romania.

Ștefan Voitec

Together with Constantin Ion Parhon, Mihail Sadoveanu, Gheorghe Stere, and Ion Niculi, Voitec was a member of the People's Republic Presidium - created by Law No. 363 after the forced abdication of King Michael I on December 30, 1947.

see also