
3 unusual facts about Michael Maddox

Michael Maddox

The foreign operas were largely performed in Russian translations by Sergey Glinka, Platon Levshin, Ivan Dmitrievsky, and others.

Maddox obtained a further ten-year licence from Moscow's Governor, Prince Dolgoruky-Krymsky, but financial difficulties meant that ownership of the theatre passed to the Office of Imperial Theatres in 1792.

The theatre was operational until 1805, when it burned down just before a performance of Ferdinand Kauer's Rusalka.

Nadezhda Repina

At the same time, architects Andrei Mikhailov and Joseph Bové have built a new theatre on the place of the burnt theatre of Michael Maddox – now this is Bolshoi Theatre; it opened on 18 January 1825.

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