
3 unusual facts about Michael Mulligan

Michael Mulligan

As a military prosecutor, Mulligan led the 2005 court-martial of Hasan Akbar, a soldier ultimately convicted of murdering two of his fellow soldiers at the beginning of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

He was also appointed lead prosecutor in the court-martial of Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole accused in the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

Colonel Michael Mulligan is a prosecutor in the United States Army notable for serving as the lead prosecutor in the courts-martial of Hasan Akbar and of Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole accused in the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

see also

Mulligan's Stew

Lawrence Pressman starred as Michael Mulligan, a high school teacher and football coach, and Elinor Donahue played his wife, Jane, who works as a school nurse.