
7 unusual facts about Michael Pollan

Adam Moss

During his time there, the magazine included as regular contributors Michael Lewis, Andrew Sullivan, Michael Pollan, Lynn Hirschberg, Jennifer Egan, and Frank Rich, among others.

Corn Refiners Association

Three of the five experts recommended alternate names, including Michael Pollan who suggested "enzymatically altered corn glucose".

Golden rice

More recently, author Michael Pollan, who had attacked the product in 2001, while still dubious about the benefits, expressed support for the continuation of the research.

Hans Gissinger

Hans Gissinger is a Swiss commercial, editorial, and fine-art photographer whose work has received wide exposure, thanks in part to Michael Pollan’s best-selling book The Omnivore's Dilemma, which features a Gissinger photograph on its cover image.

Novella Carpenter

Carpenter studied biology and English at the University of Washington and graduated from the School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley where she studied with Michael Pollan.


The term's most prominent proponent, journalist Michael Pollan, argues that a food's nutritional value is "more than the sum of its parts."

Peter Menzel

The book shows families from 24 countries, offers essays from Michael Pollan, Charles C. Mann, and Marion Nestle, among others.

Carolyn Martin

The inaugural selected title was In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, by Michael Pollan.


has defined a "knowledge journalist" as a public intellectual who, like Walter Lippmann, David Brooks, Fareed Zakaria, Naomi Klein, Michael Pollan, Thomas Friedman, and Andrew Revkin, sees their role as researching complicated issues of fact or science which most laymen would not have the time or access to information to research themselves, then communicating an accurate and understandable version to the public as a teacher and policy advisor.

Rambo apple

As Michael Pollan indicates in his chapter on the apple in Botany of Desire, John Chapman (1774–1845), for religious reasons related to the doctrines of Emanuel Swedenborg, believed grafting was an unnatural practice.

see also


In the book The Omnivore's Dilemma (2006), author Michael Pollan critiques a farm raising organic chickens with unused doors to pastures, writing, "Rosie the organic free range chicken doesn't really grok the whole free-range concept."